15 Tips To Reduce The Hair Fall


Hey, what’s here at the shoulder, there on the pillow, and everywhere? Hair strands, obviously! We all face the hair loss problem it’s quite sad to see losing your hair but it is also quite normal. Losing about 100 hair strands daily is normal but if you face more hair falling you should be more precautions in order to avoid the need for wigs.

Every other woman suffers hair loss and the majority have even chopped their hair short because of finding hair strands everywhere. Having new shampoos and haircare products is not the only solution. You have to make some changes in your lifestyle as well and have to pamper your hair to make it safe at your head.

By changing our lifestyle, we can cure hair fall, by intaking good and healthy products and by taking care of our hair with little effort. Here we have rounded up some amazing hair tips and hacks that can help to secure the hair on your scalp and minimize the rate of hair fall.

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1. Avoid Shampoo Daily

Do you know that dryness also plays a major part in hair loss? That’s why you should not wash your hair daily. Doing shampoo daily makes your scalp dry by removing all the excess natural oil from your scalp. This results in dryness and eventually leads to hair fall. To maintain the natural oil in your scalp, shampoo once a week. If your hair or scalp becomes greasy or started giving a bad odor then you can go for dry shampoo instead of normal shampoos. Also, shampoo makes the hair rough so try to apply the conditioner, serum, mask, or any other mild products that smooth your hair to avoid excess loss of hair strands while de-tangling.
If you have enough time before washing your hair bless your hair with good treatment by oiling or applying the mask. After applying the treatment coat make a bun for the entire day until you wash it off.

2. Wash the Scalp Only

Always look out ways for to minimize hair fall. Change the way of washing your hair. This means, just washing your scalp and avoiding the then ends. While rinsing out the shampoo from the scalp you can also get your end clean automatically. Doing this prevents the tangling in hair strands which can be the cause of hair fall. And when you brush your hair after drying you will see fewer strands in the brush.

3. Install a water filter

Do you know that hard water hits hard on hair? As the hard water contains many impurities that may damage your hair to a severe extent. To reduce this, install a good water filter in your shower. These filter removes the impurities like bacteria, chlorine, and heavy metals and saves your hair from getting damaged and falling.

4. Do not Brush Harshly

Our actions should also be pointed out as the major cause of hair fall. Brushing harshly while detangling the hair and even when the hair is wet can make you lose strands more than the normal rate. Having a brush of low quality also counts as the reason for hair fall.

Let your wet hair dry by drying it gentle towel or blow dry. And gently comb your hair. Make sure that the brush must have natural and gentle fibers.

5. Do Oiling Regularly

Oil is the best for hair care. Whether you suffer from hair fall or dandruff, oiling can save you from all hair problems. Especially coconut oil, argan oil, macadamia oil, and almond oil are rich sources of vitamins that boost your hair and transform them from dry, rough, and frizzy to smooth and shiny. Oiling reduces breakage and dryness and booth growth by making the hair strong. For more relaxing and effective results, heat the oil lukewarm and massage gently into your scalp. Don’t let that il stay for too long, after some hours wash it off with a mild shampoo.

6. Intake of High-Protein Food

No matter how hard you try to apply products to your hair, your intake diet must be good enough. Having a deficiency of protein also causes hair fall. Try to have meals that include meats, fish, soy, milk, and other protein-rich items.

7. Good Hair Supplements

In case you are allergic to any protein-rich food then you can switch to hair supplements that are rich in vitamins and proteins. These supplements are also rich in iron which gives a boost to the health of your hair. Some most common supplements are Biotin and Omega-3 fish oil.

If you are in search of a reliable place for the best supplements for your hair care then, do check the Shytobuy discount code and get the best products for your haircare routine by availing of the discount deals and coupons so you can shop with huge savings.

8. Regular Trimming

Chopping can also work for your hair loss problem. Trim your hair every month to boost the health of your hair. As our hair faces 3 stages every month. The first one is cell division which boosts the hair growth. The second one is catagen in which the growth stops and the hair starts to shrink and leading to the third stage of breakage and split ends. Trimming your hair helps you to not reach the third face and saves the strands on your scalp. It is recommended to cut half or one inch to boost hair growth. Doing regular trimming periodically helps your hair to keep growing.

9. Protect from Sun

Just like harsh sunlight damages our skin same way harsh sunlight damages hair and scalp also. Try to cover your head by wearing a hat and try to not make direct contact with harsh sunlight to your hair.

10. Say No to Heat

If you are facing severe hair fall then stop styling your hair with heat-producing products. Hair dryers, straighteners, and curl irons weaken hair proteins by producing high heat. Using straighteners and curlers regularly can lead to brittleness and fragility that also cause hair loss. It’s better to avoid these or at least try to limit the use of this styling equipment. If you are not facing hair fall as such severe, try to use them by applying a good quality heat protector on your hair as the heat protectors save your hair from getting more damage.

11. Avoid Hair Dyes

As we all know that how much amount of chemicals a hair dye contains, no matter how good it is but still it contains bleaching chemicals in it. Bleaching and dying hair are one of the major causes of hair fall. So, try to avoid the use of such harmful chemicals to avoid the damaged texture of hair.

12. Pick Sulfate Free Shampoo

Have you ever noticed that nowadays everybody starts switching to sulfate-free shampoo? The sulfate-free shampoo is the best to treat hair fall as it contains less amount of chemicals. An ordinary shampoo contains Sodium lauryl sulfate which is the cause of follicle damage over time. While sulfate-free shampoo is free from such chemicals and helps to clean the scalp gently.

13. Use Cool Water Rinses

Hot shower is everyone’s favorite, do you even aware that they can cause thinning of your hair? Hot water develops the thinning of hair and eventually leads to bald patches. So for your hair, you have to treat them with cold water and rinse them to soothe the scalp and reduce the chances of damage.

14. Drink More Water

Dehydration also plays its part in hair fall. Try to keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Try to drink water that is rich in minerals instead of tap water. At least 8 glasses of water you should intake for growing your hair healthier.

15. Homemade Hair Remedies

Try to cure your hair fall by doing home remedies. Home remedies are best for hair until or unless you have some injury or allergy to your scalp. As the home remedies are totally chemical-free and safe, they can boost great healthy hair. You can use aloe vera, onion mask, rice water, and green tea mask or you can also use eggs and yogurt to your hair.

To conclude last words, try to minimize your hair fall by following these tips. All these tips are highly safe and have no side effects. Just look at the way how you treat your hair by comparing it to these tips and see what you do wrong with your hair. Try to feed your hair with vitamins and oils and keep them away from the harsh heat. Hope these tips will work for you as well.

By Olivia Bradley

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