5 Sensational Facts About Mount Shasta


Mount Shasta is an enormous active volcano in Northern California, the United States. It lies about 90 miles (145 kilometers) south of the city of Redding, at an elevation of 14,179 feet (4,322 meters). 

It has been a sacred site for hundreds of years to Native American peoples, who built shrines and worshipped there, making mount shasta spiritual. The mountain was also important to early European settlers, who used it as a landmark and named it after an 18th-century British explorer. 

The mountain’s unique shape makes it a popular tourist attraction and a powerful symbol for many people worldwide. Here are astonishing facts about mount Shasta: 


The Lost Lemurian City of Telos 

The Lemurian city of Telos was reportedly built by a race of ancient humans who could levitate, walk through walls, and other seemingly magical abilities. Because of this, it is sometimes referred to as the “Lost Lemurian City” or “the City of Magic.” It’s also commonly known as Telos Village, the name given by those who believe Mount Shasta is one of its locations. 

According to legend, this city was established in what is now modern-day Tibet but later moved to Mount Shasta when the Ice Age began. The people there lived were considered tall, long-lived, and highly psychic or telepathic. They could also use their minds to create amazing feats such as levitation or materialization (taking an object out of nowhere). They could also bend light so they appeared invisible (a form of cloaking) and could easily walk-through solid things like walls or rock formations. 

Telos Village is believed to still exist on Mount Shasta, and its residents are still alive and well inside their protected mountain homes. 


Mystic Rod Serling 

The legend of the Mystic Rod Serling is one of the most popular stories about the mountain. The story goes that Rod Serling was hiking on Mount Shasta when he met a man carrying a large stick over his shoulder. The man told him that he would use it to fight off evil spirits in the area. Serling asked him where he got the rod, and the man said he had found it in a cave deep inside Mount Shasta. He said it belonged to Merlin, who used it for magic spells and sorcery. 

Serling took out his pen and notebook and wrote down everything the man said about his experience with the legendary rod. He then went home and wrote an episode called “Cavender Is Coming” for The Twilight Zone, which featured a similar scene involving a magician who got rid of evil spirits by waving a large stick around.” 

The Four Seasons Tour 

Mount Shasta is the most famous mountain in northern California, and it has a rich history full of mystery and beauty. The summit of Mount Shasta has four seasons in one day: spring, summer, fall, and winter. The seasons often change suddenly, sometimes within minutes. For example, you can be hiking in shorts and a T-shirt one minute and then find yourself covered with snow the next!  

If you hike up to 10,000 feet on Mount Shasta during any season, you will experience a beautiful display of flowers worldwide. This is because Mount Shasta is an active volcano that emits geologic forces which attract plants from all over the world, usually found at high altitudes or in cold climates. 


UFOs and Portals to other worlds 

Many people claim they’ve seen UFOs while hiking on Mount Shasta. The most famous sighting was in 1925 when five men were hiking up the mountain at night when they saw a light coming toward them through the woods. When it got closer, they realized it was some aircraft and ran away as fast as they could until they reached a town where they told everyone what had happened. They also said that when they tried to run after, the light went away, and their legs felt paralyzed, so they couldn’t move! 

Mount Shasta is believed to be a major gateway for interdimensional travel. The mountain is said to be a portal through which other worlds and dimensions can be accessed. Many people have claimed they were able to travel into these other worlds while on the mountain. Some say they were taken there by extraterrestrials, while others believe they were abducted by aliens and taken there against their will. 

The mountain is considered to be a spiritual power place. 

Mount Shasta is sacred to many indigenous groups, including the Pomo and Modoc tribes of California, the Klamath and the Yurok in northern California, and the Karuk people of northern California.  

The Native Americans consider Mount Shasta sacred because its shape resembles their sacred mountain peak. According to legend, Nimi’ipuu (the first people) lived at Mount Shasta before descending to Earth at Crater Lake in Oregon. They then went back up to Mount Shasta after completing their Earth task. 

The mountain is considered to be a spiritual power place. Many people go there for meditation, and healers use the mountain as a source of healing energy. 


As you can tell, the facts are all pretty strange. Even if only some of them are true, Mount Shasta is as mysterious as it gets. For those who live nearby and make the mountain a part of their lives, any of these mysteries could provide the fodder for countless spooky stories year-round.  

By Olivia Bradley

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