5 Ways Technology Affects Business Communication

A couple of decades ago, communication was completely different. It was unimaginable to cooperate with a company from the other continent in real-time. Surely letters and landline calls were a thing, however, business communication requires a certain level of effectiveness. Comparing the times of 50 or more years ago and today, we can truly see the impact of technology on business communication.

Since technology changes at a rapid pace, it affects business communication in a lot of ways. Even though it can be labeled as distracting, technology has numerous positive impacts. So, what are the benefits of technology for you and your company?

1. Connect with employees working remotely

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, many companies shifted to remote work. While managers were busy trying to figure out how to run a business with employees working from home, communication became one of the top issues. That’s where technology stepped in. 

With various chat and video call apps, communication with remote workers was possible. Now you can employ people from all over the world without worrying about relocation. You’ll give your employees the freedom to work from any location while using communication platforms for connecting with them no matter where they are. On top of that, real-time communication is possible, so you can reach out to your colleagues and get a response right away. 

2. Improved relations with customers 

Besides being oriented towards your employees, most businesses need to work on customer and client relations. Customer service should be a huge part of your business communication strategy. Therefore, addressing your customer’s needs and questions needs to be one of your top priorities. Luckily, technology can help you there!

With various platforms, social media, apps, and online events, you can engage with your customers and answer any possible questions. You can market your products or services while remaining friendly relations with clients. On top of that, technology can also help you improve those relations by creating a space where you’ll be available to your customers at all times! For instance, with the use of AI, your customers can get answers to frequently asked questions anytime anywhere!

3. Creating virtual offices

With the popularization of hybrid and remote work, actual offices are no longer necessary. While rent costs are increasing, leasing offices has become a luxury no company needs since employees are happier working remotely. Therefore, employers tend to create virtual offices to employ remote employees which drastically cuts the cost for their company. However, one problem remains: how will managers lead remote employees when they can’t actually see and control them. 

By creating virtual offices, managing your remote employees will become easy! It’s a space where they will be able to group together, communicate and stay in touch. Technology made virtual offices possible, so use it to benefit your entire company!

4. Collaboration opportunities 

No matter the size of your business, collaboration is always necessary. Whether you have one team that needs to work together on a project, or multiple teams collaborating, technology helps teamwork. An app with multiple features creates collaboration opportunities for the entire company. On top of that, with great collaboration comes better communication!

If you want to improve your employee communication, consider implementing various tools that will ease collaboration and workflow. For instance, an intranet is an ideal platform for collaboration as you can use it for file sharing, communication, and information. It benefits the business and the company. Your employees no longer have to mail their colleagues or walk from desk to desk to gather the information they need. They can work remotely and collaborate even better than before. 

5. High communication security

Working online and completely trusting our business to computers is progressive and makes the workflow easier. However, no matter how much we know about computers, there are always security risks. Email communication can be breached and important data and files can be stolen! This can put your entire business and your employees in jeopardy! Is there a way to prevent it?

As technology advances, programmers have created a platform with special end-to-end encryption that minimize the chances of having your data stolen. On top of that, new cloud technologies are being developed, which will drastically improve the security of your business communication and overall workflow. Cyber attackers can target any business regardless of its size. Therefore, security should be taken seriously and you should invest in technology that is continuously improved to keep your company safe.

Final thoughts

Even though many may consider technology to be harmful, if you want your business to succeed, you need to keep up with novelties and implement them on time. Technology can greatly improve your business communication and help your employees stay connected no matter where they are. So, use it wisely and improve your workflow and retention. 

By Olivia Bradley

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