5 Ways to Improve Your Site’s Ranking on Google

Ranking on Google - SEO Company in Mohali

The ranking of your site on Google’s search engine results pages is one of the most important factors to consider when optimizing your site for search engines. If your site isn’t listed in the top few pages, you might as well not be listed at all. In this article, SEO Company in Mohali we’ll discuss five things you can do to improve your site’s ranking on Google and other search engines.

1) Are You Using Google Analytics?

Google Analytics provides a wealth of data about how people are finding your site and where they’re going after they’ve landed. It can be overwhelming at first, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are three ways you can learn more about how people are interacting with your site.

1) With a single click, find out what links people clicked on when they found your site. This will give you insight into which parts of your content are resonating the most with users. So you can refine or add more of that type of content to satisfy their needs and keep them coming back for more.

2) Review traffic sources.
This information tells you where your visitors are coming from (social media, search engines, etc.), so you can better focus your marketing efforts on those channels and build relationships with those influencers.

3) Check bounce rates.
Bounce rates measure how many people visited only one page before leaving – this might happen if they couldn’t find what they were looking for or the page was broken in some way. Bounce rates help you figure out what might need fixing on individual pages to encourage visitors to stay longer.

2) Get Reviews

Google’s ranking is determined by several factors, including the quantity and quality of links pointing to your site. Sites with more high-quality backlinks will be ranked higher than sites with fewer or lower-quality backlinks. You can get more quality links by getting reviews. All it takes is a few minutes and the potential for gaining even more traffic and business.

You might think that you’ll have a better chance of being ranked high if you target popular sites for reviews, but review websites rank just as well as big-name sites. When creating a link from your site to the review website, include some text promoting your business. So there are spider-friendly words around the link URL (a location where spiders crawl).

3) Optimize Your Meta Title Tag

Meta title tags are one of the most important SEO factors and should be filled with relevant keywords that match the content. You should also use keywords for your meta description tag which is what people see. When they search for something online and find your website. Add these tags so your site ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).
A good way to do this is by using software like Yoast, it makes editing meta tags easy!

4) Build an Email List

Email marketing is one of the most effective tools for driving traffic and conversions. With it, you can create a nurturing, warm relationship with customers, nurture leads and follow up. But how do you build an email list? You’ll want a high-quality opt-in page with an offer that makes people want to sign up. But other factors such as relevance or frequency will also play a role in your success. For instance, if you offer information about decorating a bathroom twice a week then try emailing subscribers at the same interval.

5) Create Great Content

The most important factor for improving your site’s ranking is creating and curating content. This could be a blog post or video, for example. It needs to be optimized for keywords that you want to rank high for and with images that are relevant and easily found by searchers. Your page needs images at the top of the page as well as along the side so there is something that catches the eye as people scroll down. The more images you have, the better chance you have of grabbing their attention long enough for them to read through some of your content and then click through into other sections of your site.

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By Olivia Bradley

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