Types Of Monkey Bars You can Choose For Children

monkey bars

Children have a habit of running, jumping, and hanging around here and there. They will just climb anywhere and look for places to jump off and swing around.

To cater to their habits a special kind of three-dimensional equipment has been created which is known as a monkey bar or a jungle gym in a more precise manner.

Monkey bars are a special kind of equipment that is meant for children to hang and swing on, while they can be used by gymnasts and gym freaks for fitness purposes.

Children usually board the equipment with the help of a ladder and move across the equipment with the help of horizontally arranged webbed bars.

Various kinds of metal monkey bars are available for children to play varying on their size and use.

In this article, we will discuss types of monkey bars.

Dome-Type Climbers:

These types of monkey bars are more like a steeled web. They are usually small in size and are ideal for the use of small children.

These climbers suit best for building strength and muscles. It helps in toning muscles of the body as it requires the use of arms and legs.

Horizontal Ladder:

These types of monkey bars are bars in the actual sense. It acts as a piece of good equipment for those who wish to increase their height.

One can have an access to the horizontal ladder by jumping and catching hold of the ladder.

These kinds of bars do not have vertical ladders that help in climbing to the top of the bar. 

The bars are only arranged horizontally.

Horizontally Arranged Bars:

It is a bar that is arranged in a horizontal fashion. It is a bit compact in its width and can have an average length. 

It is generally seen in the parks and is mostly used by people to stretch their shoulder and arm muscles. 

Besides, these bars are also helpful in increasing the height of a person.

These bars also have their utility in gyms and are usually known as pull-up bars.

Pull-up bars are a piece of good equipment for exercising and toning the muscles of the arms.

Parallel Bars:

This is a different category of monkey bars that are used by children and gymnasts.

As the name suggests, these bars are parallelly arranged to each other.

Their utility lies in developing and increasing the agility of the muscles.

Parallel bars are used to walk over the bar using arm strength, it helps to increase the strength of the core and arms and are mostly used by the military to train the personnel.

Sky-Touched Climber:

This is another kind of monkey bar, which is quite a fun version of a jungle gym.

These climbers have a horizontal ladder with certain spaces for making a gripping position over the bar.

These bars are generally used to build the strength needed by rock climbers. 

This type of bar also helps in enhancing the various muscles of an arm, specifically targeting the bicep.

However, these kinds of bars are not commonly found in parks and gyms, using such equipment can be quite helpful in building strength.

Boulder Climber:

This kind of monkey bar is arranged in a manner that seems like one is trying to climb a boulder, it is almost similar to a sky-touched climber in utility but varies in shape.

This equipment is designed in a dome shape, thick at the bottom and spread at the bottom while shrunk at the top. 

These climbers help in building core strength and help in building flexibility and agility of all the muscles because it engages the legs, arms, and the core the most.

Slide And Ramp Bars:

These are the kind of bars used at a playground or in the parks by small children to play with.

These climbers include a ladder that helps in climbing up to a platform that is attached to a ramp designed like a slide.

It is a swing designed in the form of a monkey bar.

The benefit of using this kind of a bar is that it helps the children in enjoying the game as well as helps them in moving their bodies in such a manner that they remain physically fit.

While the children climb up the ladder, their arms and legs get engaged, which helps them in better mobility and increases flexibility in them.

Thus, these were the various kind of monkey bars that are being used.

Most of these bars are used by gymnasts in making a better body and building muscle strength. 

As discussed earlier as well, monkey bars are also known as jungle gyms because one can see these pieces of equipment out in the open or in the parks.

Using these bars can help in remain fit and increase the strength of the muscles of our body.

By Olivia Bradley

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