Get ServiceNow System Administrator Certified with these Expert Tips

ServiceNow has become one of the market’s most widely used Customer Service Management platforms, ruling the cloud platform globally. Its ability to transform the whole infrastructure of a company is enormous.

Hence, anybody willing to join ServiceNow as a ServiceNow CSA professional can rest assured of having a stable career with a pool of opportunities and job prospects that pays well.

The ServiceNow Admin Certification validates a professional’s knowledge and abilities in managing, configuring, and implementing strategies and technology in the ServiceNow platform. It also lays the foundation footstone for the universe of ServiceNow.

Suppose you aspire to become a ServiceNow Certified System Administrator to pave your path towards a successful career with high-paying job opportunities and a pool of prospects. In that case, the blog is for you. We will give you 7 expert tips about the ServiceNow Admin cert exam that you can benefit from. Keep reading!

Here are the 8 expert tips to get ServiceNow System Administrator Certification:

  1. Refer To The ServiceNow Exam Guide.

An exam guide is the first study material you should refer to prepare for a cert preparation. It will help you get acquainted with the basic knowledge required for the exam prep. Hence, the exam guide of ServiceNow is the ultimate guide you should follow when you begin preparing for the ServiceNow CSA exam.

It consists of all the information you need to frame the idea of the certification exam. From the prerequisites to the aim and objective of the ServiceNow CSA exam, the exam guide is the foundation study material you must thoroughly go through.

You can read exam guides that have been published by other sources in addition to the official exam guidelines. For instance, this ServiceNow CSA exam guide from Saasguru could help you learn some little-known exam information that you might not have known.

Schedule Your Exam

One of the essential expert tips is scheduling your exam. While preparing for the ServiceNow System Admin cert exam, getting overwhelmed is not unlikely. If you can set your exam for a future date that is convenient to you, it can drive you towards your goal and keep you motivated throughout.

When you give yourself a deadline, you will immediately motivate yourself to study for the certification exam as the deadline approaches.

Comprehend The Fundamentals

ServiceNow platform is jam-packed with many resources and study materials to help aspirants figure out the ServiceNow platform’s fundamentals well and to be able to comprehend the ServiceNow Administrator’s role better.

If you wish to acquire the ServiceNow Administrator certification, the first thing you should be doing is studying the ServiceNow platform minutely. The better grasp you have over the platform the more your ability to take advantage of it increases.

Please check out the ServiceNow Fundamentals On Demand page and the official ServiceNow website for more information on the ServiceNow basics. The ServiceNow platform itself has created a 15-hour course to help those pursuing ServiceNow certifications with the intention of educating them better.

Network With The Industry

The most effective tip we can give you that will help you get certified with the assistance of experienced professionals but will also build your soft skills is networking with people in the ServiceNow CSA industry. The ServiceNow Community is huge, and your networking with seniors and aspirants will give you a realistic and practical scenario of the exact necessities of the certification exam.

Join groups where professionals share their advice and are active on the platforms your industry experts hang out in to get personal advice from them. You can also attend webinars and social events where the topic of discussion is related to the ServiceNow CSA exam.

Study With Flashcards

Flashcards are handy when studying for the ServiceNow System Admin Certification. It is a technique that allows you to refresh your memory rapidly about all the significant points of the topic of flashcards.

Learners may utilize flashcards to engage with knowledge and better comprehend the contents of the flashcards they are studying. The main reason why Flashcards are so much popular is because of their stimulating power. It helps you recall your memory faster and is therefore used as a memory aid.

Practice With Practice Sets

An underrated expert tip that many aspirants avoid in their preparation phase for the ServiceNow System Admin Certification exam is practicing. Consistent practice and regular use of practice sets can significantly impact the outcome of your preparation.

No matter how many study materials you have or resources you possess, if you do not practice studying the resources appropriately and implementing them on paper by solving practice sets, you will not be able to succeed.

Practice sets are the best preparation expert tip we can give you as it is a process where you self-analyze your preparation. By doing this, you get the idea of how prepared you are in reality and how much preparation you are yet to do for scoring a good enough mark in the ServiceNow CSA exam.

Take at least 3 practice tests before the certification exam to familiarize yourself with the actual exam’s format and complexity. This will better prepare you to deal with time constraints and certification exam anxiety during the exam.

Know The Pattern

The trick to scoring higher is knowing the certification exam’s question pattern well. The question paper of the ServiceNow CSA exam is set strategically to crack, which you need to find out in what pattern it is set in. Research about it and start preparing for the exam methodically.

Multiple-choice questions are the only question type presented in the ServiceNow CSA exam. It consists of 60 questions, with 70% or above passing marks.

To confuse the aspirants, the question paper often contains more than one right or wrong answer. In such scenarios, always avoid the question if you do not know the correct answer, or you can choose the one you are sure about. Never settle for a guessed answer in the exam.

Decode The Question Classification

As we said, the question paper of the ServiceNow CSA exam is set very strategically; decoding that strategy is not rocket science. All information is available in the exam guide. The question paper is divided into 5 categories of questions chosen from 5 distinct domains. Each of those domains has a particular percentage of questions.

When you start preparing for your exam, make sure you adhere to this question classification to ensure you cover the most important topics first and secure a good percentage of marks. Finish preparing for the domain of questions with the highest percentage and then move to the next.

If you happen to prepare yourself by referring to the question classification, securing an excellent passing mark in the cert exam will not be difficult for you.

Here is the ServiceNow CSA question classification chart for you:

Sl. No.Learning DomainPercentage
1.Introduction to Development10%
2.User Interface and Navigation20%
3.Self-service and Process Automation20%
5.Database Administration30%

Set The Timer

No matter how well prepared you are, you will be tensed on the day you attempt the paper. Keep it in mind to keep your mind calm and answer the questions with total concentration. As the question paper would contain 60 questions, you have to answer every question within 90 seconds to finish all the questions within 90 minutes, which is the allotted time.

When you practice at home, set your timer and solve practice sets to keep track of the time.

Get Professional Assistance

The ServiceNow CSA exam is quite less complex when compared to the remaining ServiceNow cert exams. Hence, achieving high scores is not too difficult and can only be achieved if you have the right exposure.

Wondering how?

Well, all you need to do is invest in a proper ServiceNow CSA exam course that will methodically guide you through the process. Choose a course that consists of seasoned industry experts who train aspirants and guarantees your success in cracking the exam. We are sure, with the help of expert guidance, you will excel in your exam.

A ServiceNow CSA Certification preparation platform has everything you need under one roof. The study materials needed, practice sets for practicing, free mock tests, 1:1 sessions for better understanding, etc., are some of the privileges you get when enrolling in a ServiceNow CSA exam training program.

Hence, without wasting any more time, start preparing for your cert exam with the help of proper professional assistance.


The way it has grown in the past decade, it is quite evident that ServiceNow is here to stay. The good part of this popular platform is that it is yet to get saturated. Hence, if you wish to get certified from ServiceNow and wish to become a ServiceNow CSA professional, then this is undoubtedly the best time to do that.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog! We hope you liked this article and will be driven by these expert tips on ServiceNow Administrator Certification to take action. As we explained, the ServiceNow Admin Certification is a stepping stone into the ServiceNow ecosystem. Make sure you give your best to qualify for this certification exam with an excellent score.

Good luck!

By Olivia Bradley

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