Make Your Home Radon Safe

Radon is a radioactive gas found in the air and soil. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas produced by the decay of uranium in the soil. Radon can get into buildings through cracks in foundations or pipes and ventilation systems.

Radon is a dangerous gas because it damages human health and causes cancer. The most affected part of the body is the lungs because they are exposed to high levels of Radon for a long time. Radon exposure can lead to lung cancer, lung disease, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Radon is a radioactive gas that is produced by the decay of radium. Radon is found in nearly every home, but it can be dangerous if it exceeds the acceptable levels.

Radon gas is present in rocks and soil. It’s not always easy to see Radon because it’s colorless and odorless, but you can detect its presence using Home Inspectors Frederick MD. To prevent radon from entering your home, you should ensure that your basement has proper ventilation, that you seal off all cracks in the foundation and walls, and that you use a professional test to check your levels of radon gas at least once a year.

The EPA recommends a certain level of Radon. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recommended that Radon levels in homes should not exceed four picocuries per liter. The EPA also recommends that people conduct radon Testing in Maryland and test their homes for Radon through a professional.

Radon is a radioactive gas, and the EPA recommends that people test their homes for it to ensure they are not exposed to unsafe radiation levels. Radiation is a dangerous threat to our health, and Radon can be found anywhere. Whether you live in a city with high radiation levels or not, there are certain precautions you can take to protect yourself from the harmful effects of radiation.

5 Steps to Make Your Home Radon Proof 

Radon gas exposure is a leading cause of lung cancer. It is a radioactive gas found in the air and soil. Radon can enter your home through cracks or openings in the foundation, water pipes, and sewer lines. The good news is that there are steps you can take to make your home radon-proof before it’s too late.

1) Check the area around your home for cracks, leaks, and holes in the foundation.

2) Seal any cracks or holes in the foundation with sealant or caulk. You can also use plastic to cover openings.

3) Use a water filter system 

4) Insulate your home with a vapor barrier, such as foam insulation, to reduce heat loss through the walls.

5) Install a humidifier in your home or bathroom

6) Stop using well water or other untreated sources of water for drinking or cooking

7) Consider installing a dehumidifier

8) Keep contaminated water out of your home

9) Keep indoors well ventilated and your windows open to allow fresh air in

10) Install a radon detector in your home 

11) Test for radon levels regularly 

12) Get a whole-house fan that draws Radon out of the house.

How to Test Your Home for Radon Levels

Radon testing kits detect radon gas’s presence and measure its concentration in the air. They’re not foolproof, however, as they have some limitations and don’t provide 100% accuracy when measuring levels of radon gas.

Homeowners and DIYers often use Radon testing kits to test for radon levels in their homes. The kits have been designed to be easy to use and cost-effective for those who want to test their homes for radon gas. Home Inspection Frederick MD are available in the market and can be bought at various online stores and local retailers.

However, professional radon Frederick in MD is more accurate as professionals do it with the proper equipment. It’s also more cost-effective than using a kit, as the professional will be able to take samples from multiple areas of the house and get an accurate reading of how much Radon is present in each area.

A radon inspection is a must for anyone living in a house or an apartment across various cities in America. This is because radon gas could potentially risk the lives of those who might be breathing it in. Click here.

By Olivia Bradley

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