he holiday season is a duration to be with family and be merry. It’s arguably the most anticipated time of the year. Ironically, most people are unhappy when it comes around. Some don’t even look forward to it. Why? It’s stressful. 

As per the American Psychological Association, thirty-eight percent of individuals admitted that their stress degrees skyrocket during the holidays. Another study by Principal Financial Group revealed that over fifty percent of individuals feel stressed financially by holiday spending. 

Perhaps you’re one of the people in the surveys above. And you’re desperately searching for stress-free ways to enjoy your holidays this year. CBD may help. 

Which are the Main Holiday Stresses? 

Some individuals hate the holiday season for various reasons. Here are the primary ones: 

  1. High costs 

Many television ads show gifts tucked under a Christmas tree and tables filled with food around August or September.  Anyone who can’t afford such things gets overwhelmed and anxious. 

2. Loneliness 

Some people are far from their families during the holiday season. This makes them dread the festive period. 

3. Failure to Accomplish This Year’s Goals 

Most individuals write resolutions at the beginning of the year and hope to achieve them by that year. Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned. This makes them beat themselves up and get upset. 

4. So Much to Do, So Little Time 

The holidays are a time when there’s so much happening: Travel, entertainment, shopping, you name it. It’s easy to get frustrated since you want to do them all, but you can’t. 

5. Dreading Crowds and Traffic 

Everyone is going somewhere during the holiday season. This can be scary if you’re an introvert caught up in traffic.  The thought of mixing with strangers causes you to get uncomfortable. 

6. You’re Around Family 

Getting together with family and catching up isn’t everyone’s wish.  Some individuals enjoy their company and find it unbearable to be around their loved ones. Such individuals can meditation retreats for a healthy me time. 

 7. Exhaustion and Guilt 

Ah, the holiday season: The time to engage in parties, over-indulgence in holiday sweets, and alcohol. Tempting as the above may be, for some, they’re also a source of guilt and exhaustion that leave you strained and upset. 

Ways to Enjoy Your Holidays 

You don’t have to be among the people sulking during the holiday season. The following are some pointers to help you stay happy: 

  1. Laugh as Much as You Can 

Instead of freaking out when a squirrel appears on the Christmas tree, let out a hearty laughter. 

Didn’t things go as you planned? Laugh it out! 

Some of the laughter’s health benefits are: 

  • It may help you live longer 
  • It triggers the release of endorphins 
  • It boosts your immune structure 
  • It makes anger more bearable 
  • It shields your heart 

2.Have Some Boundaries 

Regardless of the array of activities during the holiday season, you don’t have to do them all. 

It’s even more helpful for you if you’re an introvert since your energy will be intact. 

Just learn to say ‘no.’ You don’t have to give a reason. If you choose to attend an event, be around people who strengthen you and appreciate you. 

     3. Eat Some Mood-Boosting Foods 

No, not junk and sugary foods. 

‘Happy foods’ include: 

  • Oatmeal 
  • Dark chocolate 
  • Nuts 
  • Spinach 
  • Cherries 
  • Espresso 
  • Fish 

The above foods involve suitable neurotransmitters and nutrients, such as norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. 

     4. Practice Self-care 

Aside from eating healthy, you should exercise frequently and get enough sleep as well. Also, don’t forget to breathe when you’re stressed out. Breathing deeply helps you relax when you’re under pressure. 

     5. Get Others to Help Out 

Granted, not everyone can cook the yams as well as you can or prepare the turkey as perfectly as you do, but you must acknowledge that you have only two hands. Let everyone in on the fun. 

     6. Use Essential Oils 

Essential oils can work unmatched wonders on your mood. Some ideal spicy and sweet aromas that you should try are: 

  • Frankincense 
  • Cinnamon 
  • Orange 
  • Clove 
  • Peppermint 

They can not only boost your spirits but give you the strength to do all you have to do. 

7. Sing 

You don’t have to have the voice for it. Most people sing while in the shower and work for a good reason: It makes them happier. 

It achieves this by triggering the parasympathetic nervous structure and switching on the vagus nerve. Singing can also enhance your energy levels and help you get everything done within a short time. 


The holiday period is a wonderful time to be jolly. You’ve had a long year, and the last thing you need is to get stressed at the end of it instead of rejoicing over what you’ve been able to achieve. Getting stressed is normal, but don’t let it ruin your holidays. You’ve been through a lot. Reward yourself by appreciating the good things and spending time with those you love. Try the suggestions above today, and you’ll see how you’ll be looking forward to this year’s holidays. 

By Olivia Bradley

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