Benefits of buying used vinyl records online

used vinyl records online

People might say that vinyl sound is much better than digital format. It is warm, nostalgic, and has some unique fuzziness no one can explain. Still, many people disagree; they complain about the sound quality and loudness. There are specific advantages related to both vinyl and digital formats. According to records enthusiasts, here is the list of vinyl’s top benefits.

Lossless format

Vinyl is the only playback format that’s fully analog and lossless. This means you need a decent gramophone, and you’ll get a full-fidelity listening experience; that’s why you can buy used vinyl records online. It’s less technical than digital format.

The analog format means that the artist has the possibility of transporting their music from magnetic tape to LP and finally to speakers or headphones without the complications of digital conversion. You get exactly what the artist intended to give you.

The warmth of the sound

People find this magical factor special about vinyl records because of how it was made and the fact that there is nothing digital about it; vinyl sound offers the experience very close to listening live music. It’s mid-range and mahogany warm. That’s the sound that flatters every musical instrument.

Loudness limits

It’s the truth. Vinyl sound can never be as loud as a digital one. Many people think this is a huge disadvantage of records. But let’s take a look from a different angle. Digital music engineering often goes over the top with volume. They give their best to make music louder and louder. Unfortunately, this leads to fatiguing, hyper-compressed songs that lack the dynamics and textures that give recordings their depth and vitality.

Vinyl’s volume is dependent on two factors: the length of its sides and the depth of its grooves. This means the more songs on the vinyl – the quieter the sound. You’ll notice the remarkable decibel difference if you listen to the record with the long album and the one with only a single on it.

Surface noise

Here’s another thing that can simultaneously be seen as a benefit and disadvantage. Dust particles get stuck in the record’s grooves or even pile up. This causes crackles and ticks that are present and audible no matter how well you clean the record.

Also, vinyl records have a subtle underlying hiss generated by the needle that moves around the surface. On the other hand, CDs and other digital formats are not affected by surface noise because they use light beams to read musical data.

Vinyl lovers will tell you that the surface noise makes vinyl special; it gives it that nostalgic, sensual tone that people often aim for. On the other hand, digital format fans will disagree and tell you that it contaminates the sound’s quality. So, it is up to you to decide whether you like it.


It’s a fact. Your dad’s records from 40 years ago still sound as good as back then, so you can buy used vinyl records online. Your CDs from 10 years ago, not so much. Of course, many still work perfectly, depending on how you store them, but CD’s still scratch more easily.

Let’s take another moment to return to the story from the beginning. How did you feel when you imagined hearing a record playing from your favorite bar?

It was delightful. You can experience that feeling daily in your own home by buying one online!

By Olivia Bradley

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