The Best Kombucha Brands and Possible Benefits of Drinking Them

best kombucha brands

Kombucha tea is a fermented tea made from tea, sugar, yeast, and bacteria. Kombucha tea is sometimes called kombucha mushroom tea because it contains colony bacteria and yeast. Kombucha is made by adding the colony bacteria and yeast to sugar and tea and allowing it to ferment. The liquid is rich in vinegar, B vitamins, and other chemical compounds.

Kombucha tea supporters claim it can help manage and prevent serious health conditions such as high blood pressure or cancer. Science does not support these claims. There is limited evidence that kombucha tea might have similar benefits to probiotics, such as promoting healthy immunity and preventing constipation. There are many medical studies that support the health benefits of the best kombucha brands.

1. Potential Source for Probiotics

Yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir all contain live micro-organisms. Kombucha is a product of fermentation. This means that kombucha contains a variety of probiotic microbes. These probiotic bacteria may help balance gut bacteria and improve digestion when they are present in specific amounts. There haven’t been enough studies done to prove that kombucha has sufficient beneficial bacteria to be considered an effective probiotic. There are many factors that can affect the probiotic microbes, such as how kombucha was made and its fermentation times.

2. Could Be a Source for Antioxidants

Antioxidants protect the body against the free radicals that cause oxidative damage. While free radicals are an inevitable by-product of biological processes, it is important to minimize their impact by eating foods and drinks rich in antioxidants. Green tea is rich in polyphenols. There are many variables that can influence the antioxidant properties of kombucha. These include the tea it was made of and the fermentation process.

3. May Contain Vitamins and Minerals

Kombucha has small amounts of vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals are created when yeast breaks down the sugars. There are likely to be differences in the levels between products.

4. Anti-fungal

Acetic acid is one of the by-products of fermentation. This compound, along with other compounds in green and dark tea, could suppress the growth of yeast and bacteria while promoting better strains.

5. May Support Heart Health

According to animal studies, consumption of the best kombucha brands may help lower cholesterol levels and may be combined with the protective polyphenols found in green tea, which may lower the risk of developing heart diseases.

By Olivia Bradley

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