My pregnancy journey

Pregnancy is the most amazing experience any woman can have; can you imagine that a small human being is rising inside your womb? It is a miracle.

Although it is a great experience, it has a lot of responsibilities towards your baby, and yourself. It is a hard journey but you really enjoy it once you have an amazing and talented gynecologist to accompany you. I am very grateful to my gynecologist who stood by me during my 9 months of pregnancy and helped me a lot. I am sure that I wouldn’t be able to make it without her support, her experience, and her advice.

The first day I knew I was pregnant, I wanted to have health check-up with a gynecologist, first to make sure that I am pregnant, and second to have to necessary care during pregnancy. So I went to see my gynecology at Novomed Centers here in Al-Ain, and I told her that I did the home test, and got a positive result, so I want to do the medical test to make sure that I am pregnant before informing my husband.

She did the test and yes, I am pregnant! The first thing she told me about was to avoid smoking or getting exposed to any smoking places. Then she told me that we need to do a regular consultation to check the progress of the baby during these 9 months, and advised me to consult a dietitian to follow a healthy and balanced diet that is suitable for me and can provide me with the needed nutrients and vitamins.

I was very excited, and I wanted to tell my husband immediately, so I booked another appointment with the gynecologist which marked my journey’s start. When my husband knew about my pregnancy, he was excited as well and told me that he will accompany me to all my gynecology appointment. I was very happy to hear that because fathers also have to share the pregnancy’s journey with their wives.

So we went together to every appointment with the gynecologist, and we watched the progress of our baby together, the doctor was really amazing, she eased the journey for me, she did all the needed exams, tests, ultrasounds, blood tests, and others, just to make sure that my baby and I are healthy and safe.

The smooth pregnancy led to smooth labor as well, and my baby was born healthy thanks to the gynecologist and Novomed.

By Olivia Bradley

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