8 Condo Renovation Tips to Add Value to Your Home

condo renovation Vancouver

Renovating a condo is a magnanimous task, especially if you are executing a comprehensive makeover. You may make several decisions and a lot of advanced planning. But, make sure the appearance makes you feel satisfied and happy in the end. Keep in mind that the renovation of a condominium is way different than a stand-alone house even though the results may look similar. Each renovation work comes with endless challenges, strategies, and limitations. Make sure you are not hit with nasty surprises towards the end. Watch for some of the best builders Vancouver before taking the plunge into the repair processes.

Here are 8 killing renovation tips to add value to the condo renovation.

1.     Follow the rules

One of the most important aspects to keep in mind when renovating a condominium is following the rules and policies. Your board may or may not have sizeable policies in shape, especially about the schedules of the repairs. You need to know when to bring the supplies and materials into the building and how to use the elevator. If you fail to check the logistics detail, you may fall into unnecessary traps. Getting approval from the board is necessary to begin work.

2.     Applying a coat of paint

Once you are through with the rules of condo renovation Vancouver, the first task to eye on is repainting. When beginning with the plan, you may contemplate applying beige or white to make the rooms look more spacious. Be sure that the paint you choose enhances the perceived value of your home when selling. While the painting task may be wrapped within a couple of days, you need to delve inside and find out how your decision will impact the value of the property. Moreover, you must paint the decorative trim and the baseboards. You must not leave any corner unpainted as it may ruin the impression.

3.     Do not forget the bathroom

Do not skip bathroom remodeling as many people tend to as it may leave the renovation incomplete. You may not go into extensive remodeling work as replacing the faucets and head will have a significant impact on the bathroom design. When you change the taps and faucets, it gives your bathroom a modern look and allows you to pitch in the sales strategies when selling the unit. Do you know how an impressive bathroom can help sell your property faster? So, just take the small steps and let these small alterations impact the value of your house. Move past the condominium remodeling hassles and rev up the prices drastically.

4.     De-carpet your home

Gone are the days of relying on carpets for remodeling the condominium. It is undeniably one of the easiest steps to consider lending a breath of fresh air to any property. However, the floor needs to stand out as unique. Installing hardwood floors may cost you little. It is becoming an accepted procedure when it comes to judging the quality. Experts estimate that the average return on investment after installing hardwood floors is about 70%.

5.     Smart technology

A smart home boosts the value of your home. Besides the obvious benefits of adding technology to your home, you may add a good deal of sophistication and elegance. Don’t worry!Adding smart technology to your house is easy. You need not break the bank to add a thermostat or a smoke detector but around 40% of realtors to sell quickly. A smart house will set you apart from the competition and help you entice the customers.

6.     Modify the appliances

If you want to revamp your home in a condominium, start by changing the appliances. The price point may indeed leave you clueless, but it will not affect the condo renovation cost largely. However, the touch of luxury to your house may please the buyers eventually.

  • Picking the right contractors

One of the key aspects to make the remodeling work successful is by choosing the best contractors. Roadhouse Homes is the Vancouver-based company you trust for making the upgrades. The experts here are familiar with upgrades to be carried out to add value to your residence. They are also conversant with the challenges to encounter during the renovation work and know how to move past them.

7.     Stay at a different place

Do you think you can put up in the condominium you are keen to renovate? You need to move somewhere else for short-term rentals to allow the contracting team to remodel the entire space with ease. Condominiums are generally small, so living there during the construction work may not be worth it.

8.     Changing the light fixtures

Check the light fixtures inside the house and do not feel surprised that many of them are too old and do not work properly. Now, you need not make the property flooding with light or turn it into a gloomy place. A well-lit property with clean light fixtures can make the home spacious and naturally add more value to it. Besides, the modern-day light fixtures lower the electricity bill and make your home more energy-efficient.

Are you looking forward to selling your home and need tips to renovate your condominium? Make the condo renovation work Vancouver a rewarding experience and add value to it.

By Olivia Bradley

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