Tips for increasing email open rates for bulk email service campaigns

Email marketing is an important tool for online marketing. It is used across the globe to interact with your users and convey important messages. The best bulk email services are availed by businesses having a robust online presence or the new bees stepping their foot towards success. Have a look at the below tips to help yourself to reach out to a big range of audiences and increase the email open rates:

Invest in the email subject line:

Do know that the subject line is the ultimate hook for any of your audience, and you can create the subject line in such a way that it can trigger the urgency and curiosity of the user. Do think about all the emails you tend to receive regularly. Users are usually swamped by daily emails. It’s never about that they do not have time to open them, but they do have a look at the ones that immediately grab their attention.

This is why bulk email service campaigns are taken too seriously if you would like to enhance the open rate of your emails. Just be careful and avoid any cheap tricks to get your email open. There are chances that you can get through the short-term benefit, but if you are looking for a long-term benefit, these tricks are never sustainable for any of your campaigns.

In some countries, it is considered deceptive if you’re using manipulative subject lines. A few tricks here for writing an effective subject line can be using words and phrases in the beginning. Try drawing your audience with the help of a mystery. Investing in email subject lines will trigger the opening rates as people will be curious to know more about you.

Always clean your email list:

In case your recipient did not subscribe to the newsletter or is not curious to know more about your business. They are not likely to click through and open your email. Here you can even check the high spam complaints and raise unsubscribe rates.

This is the reason why we tend to encourage email marketers to keep their contact list always clean and shoot emails only to engaged subscribers. Another exercise you can perform is to remove the inactive subscribers from time to time and then re-engage the users by a win-back email campaign.

Always remove the users who do not intend to open the emails post-re-engagement campaigns to improve the email opening rates. Opting for the best email service provider is the only option to allow yourself to excel in the domain.

Always use a real sender name:

The sender’s name is undoubtedly an important factor and affects the campaigns directly. Having the sender’s real name clarifies the intention and clarifies the email’s purpose.

If there is a sender name on the email people find it personal and the chances are higher that it will be opened.

Always segment your subscribers or audience:

It is never easy to appeal to a wider audience; you can imagine narrating a story to ten people. You will know all of them by their names, the story can be made as per their preference, and most importantly can gauge their reactions too.

It can be challenging, especially if you are catering to a bigger audience. You can keep telling them their favorite story for the users, but it becomes difficult to keep track of what each of them wants to hear. Here the best option is that you can segment the email list, and it can help increase the open email rates and helps you in sending more personalized emails.

Many mail marketers look for subscriber segmentation based on pain points, desires, dislikes, or likes.  You can segment your subscribers based on their behavior on the website, like a specific email can be sent to those visiting a particular page on your web platform.

Make sure that you are checking for spam filters before sending your emails:

Be familiar with certain words that can land your email in a spam filter. Here are some examples of some that can trigger your emails to land in spam filters and also affect the sender’s reputation; they are “order now,” “winner,” “free,” etc.

Pay attention to these phrases while creating text and subject line email content.

Know about the perfect time for shooting your emails:

You can use the perfect subject line, but if you are not sending your emails at the right time, there are chances that your email can have a lower open rate.

Usually, the best time for sending the message to the email subscribers is 10 AM, set in the recipient’s time zone. Bulk email service providers can be subscribed to send these emails faster and on time. But in case you are diving deeper, keeping a check for recipient occupation, location, and age is also very important. 

Always try to create mobile-friendly emails

You can never ignore mobile users while creating the emails if you want to increase the open campaign rates and improve its deliverability. Apart from creating a short subject line, here are a few tips that can help you create the best opening emails on mobile devices:

  • You can keep your emails single-column and 600px wide.
  • It is better to use smaller images to reduce the load time.
  • Ensure that your email should look without the pictures, too, because, in Android OS, the emails turn off the images via default settings.

Take due advantage of the email preheader power.

Preheader text is also considered the unsung hero for open rates. It is the only sentence seen in the inbox just after the subject line. The ultimate goal is to create the email preheader complimenting the subject line. 

 For example, if the subject line you are having is stating a question, then the preheader should be able to answer it.

If you are not creating the preheader text by yourself, these text bits will be added to the emails via the best bulk email service provider, and these phrases may be the ones that you are not looking forward to highlighting.

Create your emails in your tone:

The emails in the inbox are a combination of marketing and personal emails. It means that the users may subconsciously filter the emails from people or companies. For improving open rates, always set a personal tone for your emails. It will put them away from going to the trash folder.

You can also use some pictures to humanize the email text, as they are great for social media profiles, contact pages, landing pages, and home pages.

Like hobby-related emails can be checked after working hours, people can check them during working hours if they send work-related emails. So keep a tap on timing. You will not be able to figure it out immediately, but you can use them for your future campaigns once you are in business. If you are looking for one of the bulk email services then you can have a look at smtp server for email sending to reap the benefits of email marketing faster.

By Olivia Bradley

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