Is Antigen Test Accepted For Travel To USA?

Is Antigen Test Accepted For Travel To USA?

Antigen test has become essential for traveling after Covid-19. Countries, including Germany, the UK, USA, Italy, Spain, and France, accepted antigen test reports. They did not let traveling to those having Covid virus. People from other countries live in the USA for higher studies and employment. But is the USA still accepting Antigen test certificates? Let’s read this article to figure out the answer to your question.


Covid -19 has driven history of menacing destruction. We have encountered this pandemic. The small virus jammed the whole world, and no one was here who could stop it. Researchers were trying hard but were failing to produce any drug or vaccine against it. Offices, stores, academics, and even airports were locked. Everyone was attempting to stay away from others to safeguard themselves from the Covid-19 virus. Medical experts introduced some Covid-19 detecting tests for the comfort of travelers. The antigen test for travel was one of them. Many countries, including the USA, started to accept Covid-19 test reports before getting into airplanes. Time went by, and the hard work of a scientist gave results when he launched a vaccine. Some countries are still accepting Covid-19 test certificates for their safety.

Is the USA Accepting Covid-19 Test Certificates?

The USA was among the top countries accepting Covid-19 test certificates from their visitors. But as Covid-19 left, some countries removed the restriction of certificates. On June 12, 2022, the USA government announced that there is no more need for Covid-19 Test certificates for USA visitors. Now, you are free to move to the USA for your education and jobs.

How does the Antigen Test Help?

Antigen tests for travel helped travelers by presenting their health conditions. As the name shows, an antigen test detects the presence or the absence of a virus antigen in the human specimen.

How Does Scientist Test a Human Specimen?

Antigen test kits are available in medical stores. The kit contains a stick with one cotton end. Medical specialists ask patients to swab the testing stick in the nose or throat to get some specimen. The specimen sample is mixed with a particular liquid to make a solution. Scientists take some drops of solution and put them in the well of the Antigen testing machine. The machine presents result like a pregnancy stick. Two lines show the positive results, while a single line expresses a healthy specimen. You can also use the online order method for testing kits.  

Where to Order Antigen Test for Travel Kits?

Official Rapid Tests is a UK government-listed testing provider team. Their fast and authentic certificates are acceptable by the UK and EU. It is an online platform where you can order your testing kit at an affordable price. Not only kits, but Official Rapid Tests also provides certificates for their customers’ convenience. Their services are available 24/7. They publish your antigen test results on their portal and send you an e-mail within 15 minutes. So, why are you searching for other test providers when Official Rapid Tests is here for your convenience?

By Olivia Bradley

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