What does a pap smear test for?

pap smear test

Cervical cancer placed the fourth most common female cancers in the world. It is ranked among the most common female cancers in Malaysia aside breast cancer. Human papillomavirus (HPV) has always been the main contributor for the development of cervical cancer. Since there are almost 200 HPV types known to humankind, it is certain that HPV-16 and HPV-18 are the main causes for most cases of cervical cancer globally. These are also known as the “high risk”’ type as it is able to change the normal healthy cells in the cervix and lead to higher risk of becoming cancerous cells.

            The best way to prevent a person from facing complications of cervical cancer is for a person to take steps of prevention first hand. Pap smear test or cervical screening aid in making sure the cervix is always on check. Cervix is donut shaped that is located at the opening of the womb. Reasons being why a pap smear test is important for women is because cervical cancer usually does not make anyone have any specific symptoms and most cases are diagnosed in the later stage. Unfortunately, with the advanced stage of cervical cancer, a person will face a much more life-threatening condition.

            Pap smear test usually does not cause pain. A person may be feeling a bit uncomfortable during the procedure but it is a quick procedure and can be done in any clinic or health centre. The procedure includes a professional inserting the speculum into the vagina while a patient is lying down. This helps healthcare professionals to get a better view of the cervix and look out for visible signs of abnormality. Then, samples of cells will be taken from the cervix and area around it using a scraper or a cervical brush. The samples taken will be sent to the laboratory for further testing and identification.

            The way Pap smear helps to prevent cervical cancer is by identifying abnormal cervical cells which can be precursors or possible cancer cells. When such cells are identified, it can help healthcare providers to remove it from growing into an invasive cancer. If the Pap smear test shows an early stage of cervical cancer, healthcare providers are able to provide more concise treatment and help improve one’s quality of life. The result is usually ready within 3 weeks but may take up longer than a month, depending on the healthcare centre and laboratory.

            The Ministry of Health Malaysia recommends Pap smear screening for all women aged 20 to 65 years old, who are or have been sexually active. It is recommended to get regular Pap smear every 2 to 3 years. This number may actually depend on a person’s health status and ages to get the regular Pap smear test. The cervical cancer screening program has been around in Malaysia since the 1960s. Unfortunately, only 22% of women in Malaysia have been getting their Pap smear. Worst, 48% of patients with cervical cancer never had a Pap smear test. This shows women in Malaysia are still not aware of the importance of cervical screening. Generally, a woman may get a free pap smear with the National Cancer Society Malaysia.

            If you decide to take a Pap smear test, it is best to book an appointment two weeks after the start of the menstrual period. Avoid sexual intercourse, swimming or soaking in bathtub, using tampons and vaginal medications or lubricants, 48 hours prior to the procedure. If the result shows an abnormal Pap test, do not be panicked. Discuss with your healthcare provider on what is the next step to take. Know about our hajj vaccination package





By Olivia Bradley

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