How To Change The YouTube Channel Name?

Fortunately, YouTube gives you the option to modify your channel name directly from the YouTube app on your Smartphone or YouTube Studio on your computer. According to YouTube, it can take a few days before the adjustment is made public. The improvements will only apply to YouTube, and creators can modify both their channel name and profile picture.

The requirement that YouTube producers use the same name across all Google platforms has long since been lifted. You can now use one name for things like your YouTube channel and a different one for things like emails sent from your Gmail account. This guide will walk you through each process of changing your YouTube channel name without having the changes propagate to the rest of Google.

1. How To Change The YouTube Channel Name On A Desktop

  • Start YouTube. Enter in the web browser on your PC. You will then be directed to the YouTube main page.
  • The icon for your profile. An oblong icon is located in the page’s upper right corner. There will be a drop-down menu.
  • Click Settings. It is located in the centre of the drop-down menu. By doing this, the YouTube account settings page is displayed.
  • If required, choose a different channel. Click your profile icon in the top-right corner of the page, and then click the name of the channel you want to edit if you are currently signed into a different channel than the one you want to edit.
  • Click edit, in Google. It’s a link under “Your YouTube channel” to the right of the profile picture. When you do, a pop-up window appears.
  • You can rename your channel now. Enter the name you want to use in the text box in the pop-up window’s middle.
  • Select OK. It can be found near the base of the pop-up window.
  • When prompted, select CHANGE NAME. By doing this, you can save your settings and confirm that you want to alter your name. Your channel name should now be changed, albeit it can take a while for the new channel name to appear elsewhere.

2. How To Change The YouTube Channel Name On Android.

  • Simply tap on the channel name in the top right corner before tapping on the channel logo.
  • Now you will find a section icon next to your channel name. Click on that and not a pencil icon will appear next to your channel name.
  • You can now be able to edit your channel name.

3. Buy YouTube Subscribers.

YouTube has many successful artists all over the world with a high number of subscribers. In today’s era if you are running a YouTube channel then a subscriber base is very important because subscribers help you to reach the watch time and also help your channel to be monetized. Without that, you can’t start earning from YouTube.

If you want to increase your subscribers then you can Buy YouTube Subscribers from such websites that are selling it. This will make it easy for you to fulfill all the conditions of YouTube to start earning. Hence buy YouTube subscribers to grow your channel. Furthermore, here are some Best Sites To Buy YouTube Subscribers which can help you grow your channel.

By Olivia Bradley

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