10 jobs which future is in danger thanks to AI

Artificial Intelligence

Have you ever noticed that there were many things in place that are not now or are few?

  • Earlier, almost every middle-class house had a landline, now it is not there.
  • Earlier there used to be Yellow Pages directories and they are no longer visible.
  • Earlier there used to be cybercafes, now they are on the verge of extinction.

That is, there are many such things which were there yesterday but are not today and similarly today there are many such things which will not happen tomorrow due to technological advancement and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

AI is a science that can make computers do such things, which usually require human intelligence.

For example: When you upload a photo on Facebook, it automatically highlights the faces of your friends and suggests tagging them. That’s possible because of AI.

1) Driver

Whether it is a car or a bus truck, AI will take its job.

Elon Musk’s company Tesla already sells self-driven electric cars. And in the coming years, this technology will become so mature that it can be implemented in buses and trucks as well.

And as soon as all the companies including Ola, Uber never get tired of keeping expensive and tired drivers.

Germany has already shown interest in approving such vehicles and all major automobile manufacturers in the world are also involved in making similar electric vehicles.

2) Delivery Boy

The time is not far when you will look at the sky instead of the gate for your online order delivery.

A few days ago in Lucknow, the world’s first tea was delivered by drone. We have already heard the news of pizza deliveries from drones. Amazon did its first drone delivery in December 2016 itself.

Drones will do the work of delivery in the future. And millions of people who are doing this work now will be replaced by a few thousand drone operators… and do not know what these operators should not even be needed.

3) Bank Officer

How many days have you visited your bank? Maybe months or even years. Mobile apps have put the bank in your grasp. Whether to send money, order chequebook, get FD even apply for a loan… you can do all these things on your mobile.

Even now you don’t even need to go to the bank to open an account and deposit money. Open an account on mobile and deposit money in ATM! In such a situation, the banks will not have much need for employees in future. So beware, if you are 20-something and thinking of a banking career.

4) Travel Agent

Companies like Already, Oyo rooms, Trivago, Make My Trip, Yatra and Booking.com have captured a huge market in this space, with millions of people booking hotels on these. You are not dependent on anyone even for train and flight bookings.

That is, there will be no need for conventional travel agents soon.

5) Personal Assistant

Do you know these people – Siri, Cortana, Alexa?

These are great voice assistants – from Apple, Microsoft and Amazon respectively. And one of their friends is Google Assistant.

Know that they can do more for you than you can imagine.

They can even fix an appointment for a dentist, haircut or any important meeting by calling themselves for you.

All you have to do is give them an instruction in your voice.

For example, You told Google Assistant “Please book an appointment at XYZ Parlor, Ashok Nagar between 1 to 2 pm for a facial”

And just this will do your job.

6. Soldier

There was a time when the victory in the war belonged to the one who used to have more soldiers… but now it is not so and future battles will be fought sitting in the room.

Friends, technology first knocks on the Armed Forces itself. Even a big credit for the invention of the Internet goes to the U.S. The funding goes to the Department of Defense. And today there is a lot of research going on where robots will fight instead of soldiers on battlefields, perhaps like Iron Man, and will fly software planes instead of pilots.

In such a situation, the future for human soldiers is bleak.

7. Telemarketer

That is individuals trying to sell you something by calling on the phone. His role will also not last for long.

You may not know that companies like Facebook, and Google closely watch your online activities through cookies and their algorithm puts you in a special category of customers.

And with the help of this data, companies are now able to attract their prospects in a better and more accurate way through online and video marketing.

8. Software Tester

The future of the job of testing is also in danger.

With the help of machine learning (a branch of AI), the work of software testing can also be taken away from human beings. Slowly we are moving towards a such scenario where machines can write and execute test cases on their own.

This may and may take more time and the demand for manual testers may not end completely but there is bound to be a big impact.

9. Trainers

Whatever work is repetitive, such as teaching or studying the same thing over and over again, human intervention can be eliminated to a great extent by designing a good algorithm in such places.

Already we are seeing the role of trainers in the insurance and finance industry be minimized… they have been replaced by app-enabled tabs. In this way, smart classes in schools and mobiles in the hands of children have harmed the importance of teachers.

Who knows in future due to Natural Language Programming, instead of teachers, teaching their virtual avatars or maybe children say Siri ma’am will take Maths test and Alexa ma’am will teach English.

As of today, robots in Japan and Korea are teaching English to children.

10. Factory and Construction Workers

Have you heard about the 3D printing machine? This is a machine that does 3-dimensional printing. That is a printer that does not draw a picture of a cricket bat on paper but makes a real cricket bat.

Already at many places, such printers have been made even at home. Apart from this, many sophisticated machines have greatly reduced the role of human labour.

It is not difficult to understand this, even in India, when a house was built earlier, twenty labourers used to work in it for months, but now due to concrete mixers, lifts and cranes, fewer labourers are needed and the work gets done quickly. But in future, it may also happen that a printer may come to your land and print your house in a few hours… or maybe a team of robots working day and night to prepare your house in 2-3 days.

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By Olivia Bradley

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