Your Guide To Cambridge’s Key Stage 1 Curriculum; Is It The Right Board For Your Child?


While Indian parents are attracted toward popular international curriculum for their children, many are not fully aware of the board and what it really offers. Parents should not choose a board because it’s popular or if it seems to be an easy option.

They must  do full research and know the benefits it has and scope of the same in future because it’s a matter of your child’s future.

Why Cambridge Key Stage 1 Curriculum?

It is a simple yet effective philosophy and approach with local elements and context that helps learners to be all rounders. This international board is flexible, challenging, and inspiring which makes it the fastest-growing curriculum worldwide. In the last decade, Over 400 schools have affiliated with the Cambridge Curriculum.

So, if you are looking for a curriculum that is designed for students who fall in the age group of 5 to 7 years then Key Stage 1 Curriculum is right fit for your child.

KL International School’s well-trained teachers support the students with the strategically designed curriculum in order to build their strong foundation in the crucial years.

Let’s unfold the questions that are popping in your mind i.e

  • How will it enrich your child’s educational journey? 
  • What are the subjects offered?
  • How is the grading system? 

These important questions will clear your doubts and help you decide if the KL International School Cambridge Key Stage 1 Curriculum is the right fit for your child. 

How will it enrich children’s educational journey? 

The 2year primary programme focuses on developing languages, mathematical skills and curiosity of scientific inquiry into young minds. It also builds a solid foundation for academic and extracurricular activities which is the part of the fantastic holistic framework 9GEMS.

Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) board offers a mix of the foundational core subjects, cross-curricular activities and holistic learning. The board  believes encouraging and engaging learners with a variety of subjects helps to build connections.

The curriculum is designed with the aim to make students global citizens and therefore there are many problem-solving activities, presentation skills which build  interdisciplinary approaches towards life and also help them to discover new skills.

Key Stage 1 Curriculum develops interest in children as it has research and project work which help in grasping new concepts. It also teaches how to apply concepts practically.

What are the subjects offered?

The subjects offered are English, Math, Science, History, Geography, Art & Design, Music, PE, Design and Technology, Computing and Languages. Ancient and modern foreign languages are optional subjects. 

PSHE (personal, social and health education) is another optional subject which helps children to learn how to have a safe and  healthy lifestyle. Children also learn how to have positive social skills and how to show empathy towards others.

Citizenship is another optional subject which teaches children about debating, politics, law and critical thinking.

How is the grading system? 

For KS1 the maximum score is 115, and the minimum is 85.

SATs score of 100 shows that the child is working at the expected standard, 

a score below 100 indicates that the child needs help in learning.

Teachers send a detailed statement of a child’s progress and their performance compared to all learners in their class.

Why KL International School?

KL International School provides students with the best foundation for future education by building their vocabulary skills, improving their engagement in challenging subjects which helps them in easy transition from Early Years through Lower and Upper Primary grades.

Teachers inculcate a sense of responsibility in students, which motivates them to excel in all areas such as academics, fitness, creativity, leadership, ethics, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, and extracurricular activities and help them to be future-ready.

KL International School shapes students’ futures through 9GEMS award-winning  holistic framework which provides a dynamic approach to learning.  

Parents should consider below given points before finalizing any board

  • The learning expectations of your child 
  • Subject choices
  • Academic reputation
  • Opportunities for future
  • Fee structure
  • Faculties
  • Counseling


If you want to kickstart your child’s educational journey then KL International School Key Stage 1 Curriculum is the one curriculum you should look for, and help them become confident, reflective, and innovative.

By Olivia Bradley

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