Best Electric Collars For Dogs

Most domestic dogs have had at least one behavior problem in their lifetime. The most common problems are: pulling on the leash, not coming to the call, doing their business at home and biting the furniture.

If your dog presents any of these problems, you will know that his behavior tests the resistance of living together as a family.

If you have already tried everything and do not know what else to do to correct your dog, today we present you the electric collars. An effective solution that used correctly offers almost immediate results. Don’t hesitate to read on to find out what we’re talking about!

What is an electric collar for dogs?

The electric collar for dogs, also known as a training collar or touch collar, is practically a normal collar that includes a console with 2 diodes.

Inside the console is a simple mechanism that generates small electrical discharges. To work, it requires the power of a battery that is recharged via USB cable (remember that you can also opt for training collars without electrical discharge if you prefer).

The 2 main types of electric collars for dogs are: with remote control or automatic, although the latter are only suitable for dogs that bark uncontrollably.

What are electric dog collars for?

Electric my dog training collar is a complementary tool for canine education. They are mainly used in training to correct behavioral problems in dogs and teach them to obey basic commands, which are essential for their safety and that of those around them.

The most common situations in which electric collars are used are:

  • When the dog acts aggressively towards other dogs and/or people.
  • When he barks, growls, threatens to bite or bites dogs and/or people.
  • When he runs away and doesn’t come to the call when walking without a leash.
  • When he runs like crazy behind cars and bikes.
  • When he desperately pulls on the leash when he walks tied.
  • When he barks constantly, both at home and on the street, with or without encouragement.
  • When you have a tendency to eat from the garbage or the ground.
  • When he suffers from coprophagia and eats feces, his own or that of other dogs.
  • When he doesn’t control his enthusiasm and jumps on people continuously.
  • When you get on the bed or couch even though you know you shouldn’t.

Basically the training collar is used when the dog is not able to learn using other methods. It is a complement to training that should only be used, not to punish the dog, but to get his attention and make him understand what he is doing wrong.

You should know that the collar by itself does not correct the problem; it only inhibits it while it is working. For effective results, you must combine its use with good training in which you teach your dog to obey basic behavior commands.

Thanks to the proper and non-abusive use of the electric collar, the dog will quickly associate his inappropriate behaviors with a shock and your disapproval. To stop feeling the unpleasant sensation that it produces, he will stop doing the associated action. Therefore, coexistence with the dog will improve quickly.

By Olivia Bradley

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