How To Fix Blurry PFP On Discord | Easy Guide

discord pfp


Discord is one of the most popular and widely used chat platforms for gamers. It allows players from around the world to communicate and enjoy a variety of games with their friends. Discord also lets you change your avatar, which can be useful if you want to better showcase your personality or play a certain character in-game. However, some users report experiencing discord pfp blurry after changing their avatars or profile pictures. This problem can be frustrating when trying to share content with friends or other players who may not have high-speed internet connections; this article will explain how to fix blurry PFP on Discord so that everyone can enjoy clearer images while playing games online!

How To Fix Blurry PFP On Discord

If you have a query why is my discord avatar blurry or pixelated. If this is happening to you, there are a few ways to fix it.

The first thing to do is check the resolution of your image. The maximum resolution for a profile picture is 512×512 pixels, so if your PFP is larger than this then it will become blurry when uploaded onto Discord.

If the resolution of your profile picture isn’t too large then proceed with trying one of these methods:

  • Set the opacity slider in Photoshop’s toolbar down from 100% (full opacity) to something like 20%. Then upload it as usual and see if that fixes things for you! If not…

1. Access Discord Via A Browser

  • Access Discord Via A Mouse

If you’re using a regular browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, to access Discord, you’ll need to use the mouse for most of these steps. If you’re using a mobile browser, then it’s ideal for you to switch over to Google Chrome on your phone so that everything works more smoothly. Either way works fine! To begin:

  • Go ahead and open up the website for Discord at You should be able to see an icon in the top-right corner of your screen; click this icon to go into settings mode (if there isn’t an icon present on your particular computer/browser setup). If there is no icon present in said location within an already open window—for instance if you’ve opened up multiple windows of several different pages—you may need  to close all other tabs by right clicking them and selecting close tab before proceeding with step two below!
  • Once inside Settings Mode, select Avatar from under Account Settings (this option might vary depending on what kind of device you’re using), whereupon something like this will appear:
  • Now comes the fun part: uploading an image file into Discord’s avatar picker! You can either click one from google images or from files stored locally on your computer; if neither option seems appealing enough just yet then feel free instead just scroll down until reaching “Edit Image” whereupon things should look similar as shown below except without needing any sorta’ fancy buttons around them whatsoever–which in turn means less headache trying figure out how exactly do anything even remotely related things work here too.”

2. Log In To Discord And Navigate To User Settings

To access the User Settings page, click your username in the top-right corner of Discord and select User Settings from the dropdown menu.

  • The first option is Blur: If you want to disable blurring for your name and avatar, simply toggle this option off. Once disabled, you’ll be able to see yourself in PFP mode again! This can also be used to hide select text from other users if they’ve enabled blur on themselves while playing games or chatting with friends.

3. Select “Change Avatar” And Upload Your Image

  • Select “Change Avatar” And Upload Your Image

After you’ve enabled it, you’ll see a button labeled “Change Avatar” on the right side of your chat window. Click that, then select the upload option from the menu that appears. When prompted to choose an image file, choose your blurry picture (or any other image) and click save!

4. Edit and View Your New Profile Picture

If you want to change the size of your new profile picture, click the pencil icon. This will open up a menu that allows you to change the size of your image by dragging on the corners and sides. You can also rotate or flip your photo in this menu as well. After saving all changes, go back to Discord and view your updated profile picture!

How To Make A Discord Profile Picture More Clear?

  • Use a high-quality image
  • Make sure the image is not too large
  • Use a high-quality image editor
  • Make sure the image is not too small

Why Does PFP On Discord Become Blurry?

  • Why does PFP become blurry or distorted?

The reason for this is due to a bug in Discord which crops the square images when you add them as your profile picture.

  • Why should I worry about it?

Because of this, we suggest you use a full-size image instead of PFP. We don’t recommend using JPEGs because they will be blurry and low quality when uploaded to your profile picture.


That’s it! You should now be able to see your own profile picture in all its crisp glory. For more tips on managing your Discord account, check out this guide on customizing the client and making it look like you want it to look like.

read also: What Does WSG Mean On Snapchat, TikTok, And Text Messages?

By Olivia Bradley

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