Can’t Access’t Access

Don’t worry! We have a solution! Just go through this 5-minute read and get to know everything that is needed to fix the “can’t access” issue in minutes.

Fix 1: Let us come straight to the point! Have you entered the correct web address? There can be typing errors in So, all you have to do is to cross-check it after entering.

Bonus: Copy-paste the web address from here only.

Fix 2: Have you entered the web address in the search bar? If yes, then how would it work for you? will only work if you have entered it in the URL bar.


Entering in the search bar will only give you search results. You have to choose among thousands of sites. Well, you may get confused and chose incorrect website that might misguide you.

But, this is not with the address bar. If you enter in the URL bar, it will directly redirect you to the extender’s login page.

Note: No matter whether you are choosing the address or search bar for inserting, if the web browser version is outdated, the URL will not work for you. Understood? So, consider updating the web browser prior to gaining access to the web address.

“Thank you for guiding me! I never knew updating the web browser is this much important. The web address started working for me, but when I was about to update the firmware of my Linksys extender using, it is again giving me a not working issue. I am using an up-to-date browser, then why this error again? What can I do now”?

No worries! This is normal! Just clear the browsing history whenever you need to make changes to the extender using the web address. Also, you can close and unpin all the tabs during the time you need to access

“Wow! It works! Thank you so much. Please provide me a couple more tips so that I can use them whenever I face issues while accessing the web address. I will bookmark this article because I don’t have enough time to search for the same query on Google again and again”.

Fix 3: Sure! It will be our honour! If you can’t access the web address even after using the browser’s URL bar and updating it, then the next thing that you can do is to ensure that your existing router works well with your Linksys extender.


To access the web address, there will be a need to connect your existing router to the extender in a wired or wireless manner. And, if your router isn’t compatible with the extender, then will not work for you.

So, if your router is not compatible with the extender, you can contact your ISP to make things working for you. Just in case, he denies to help you or gives you an excuse, then you can replace his device with Linksys router. Using the default IP and default Linksys router login details, configure it first and then add it to your Linksys extender.

Once you add the Linksys router to the extender, you will have no issues while accessing the web address.

Note: Please consider this only a suggestion.

“Thank you for the suggestion. I will surely think about it. First, let me have a word with my service provider. If things do not work for me, I will surely replace my existing router with Linksys.”

What can I do more to access

Fix 4: There are two more fixes that you can mark and whenever you need them. you can apply them.

  • Update the WiFi device you are using to access the web address.
  • Power cycle/ restart your Linksys extender along with your existing router.

Note: You can apply these fixes in every 15 days.

“In accordance with your suggestion, if I want to replace my existing device, can you suggest something more advance and powerful”? Yes, of course, why not! The Linksys Velop! This is more than a router. What to say more? Just configure it using Linksys Velop login details and see the difference yourself.

Finally, our article comes to an end. We hope that you are now able to access Please share!

By Olivia Bradley

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