What Is The Role of The Party Wall Surveyor 2022?

What Is The Role of The Party Wall Surveyor

Two-party consent is required for specific construction acts in homes and buildings that have two residents connected by a wall. The Party Wall, etc. The 1996 Party Wall Act protects owners of connected property against damage caused by work done on party structures or within 6m of foundations. An owner can issue a party notice directly, but a party wall surveyor is required in the event of a dissent. Continue reading to learn more about role of party wall specialist.

The 1996 Party Wall Act

Property owners must seek permission from adjacent titleholders under the Party Wall Act to proceed with construction of a shared wall. These usually occur between semi-detached or terraced buildings. This Act also applies to garden walls and the construction of new foundations within close proximity to another owner’s home. Both property owners are protected by the Party Wall Act in case of damage during construction. Before party wall notices, disputes over property damage and payment were the subject of court proceedings. The Party Wall Act makes it clear that the party initiating the construction is responsible for any damage, regardless of whether it’s for repair or cosmetic purposes. It is written for the owner of adjoining property by the party wall notice.

What is a Party Wall Surveyor (or Party Wall Surveyor)?

The UK does not regulate party wall surveyors. Before allowing a company or person to review the property and send a notice to the other side, home and building owners should do their research. Take into account the experience, education, certification, professional memberships, and affiliations to other professional organizations. This service provider is there to help you get the party wall notice so you can start work immediately.

Notification for Party Walls

The surveyor will need to review the property’s planned changes before he can serve notice. The professional will take photos and create a detailed Schedule to Condition. For structural works, the professional must send a formal letter acknowledging the receipt at least two months prior to any work being started. One month notice is required for excavations near the building. The notice should provide details to the adjacent property owners regarding the scope and duration of the work and the extent of noise and other distractions that may occur during construction or excavation. These agreements also legally bind the contractor and their workers.

Do you need one or two-party wall surveyors?

Sometimes, a party wall notice does not go according to plan. The property owner on the other side of a building doesn’t have the obligation to consent to the construction. The neighbouring titleholder will need to decide if a single-party wall surveyor is possible to serve both parties in these cases. Or, they can appoint their own who will be paid by the titleholder.

By Olivia Bradley

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