Content Types That Actually Drive Traffic

Content is King!

However, epic content is required to truly conquer the internet. Really, truly awesome. It must do more than just provide information. It must amuse, attract attention, and generate a lot of traffic.

Unfortunately, a simple blog post will not always be enough. Your content must stand out in order to completely employ content marketing. Here are some examples of content that can effectively attract visitors back to your website.

1. Lists

Lists are quite popular. Consider how many articles you’ve read that use the phrases “top,” “ways,” or “types.”

Posts with lists are intriguing. People like reading and sharing them. Not only do they supply the knowledge, but they deliver the finest of it.

Start by choosing a topic for your list article. It should be something that your audience are already passionate about. Then decide on a format. You may even disregard the situation by making a list of ‘10 things not to do’. The possibilities are actually endless, as long as you select a topic that others will find interesting.

2. How-To Articles

Because most people use the Internet to learn something, it’s no surprise that how-to articles do quite well. These posts are particularly helpful for organic traffic because many search searches begin with “how to…”

Identifying the problem, you want to tackle is the simplest method to write a how-to post. What seems to be a prevalent issue among your audience?

Now give them the answer. Introduce the problem you’ll be solving and then go over the stages to solving it.

Add graphics or videos to assist clarify portions of your content as a bonus traffic generator. Videos and photos may be shared and pinned on Pinterest to generate even more attention.

3. Infographics

While some individuals prefer to read, others want to see things. An infographic is a visual representation of data that is presented in a unique way. This not only makes the material easier to understand, but it may also make it more entertaining.

As a result, it should come as no surprise that infographics are shared more frequently than traditional blog posts. Infographics are appreciated and shared more than other sorts of material, according to research.

You may also make your own. You can use best infographic tools to get started with. Using an infographic to brand the image with your name and URL allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and authority.

4. Posts of Opinion

Everyone has a point of view; why not express yours?

You could be wondering, “Who cares what I have to say?” The reality is that if done well, an opinion post may pique the interest of a large number of individuals.

An opinion piece should preferably address a current topic and be written in the first person. It should be bold and expressive. Your opinion post will spread faster if it is more opinionated.

Why? These kinds of posts elicit responses. They might elicit strong emotions from others, causing them to agree or disagree with you. These posts frequently receive a large number of shares as well as comments.

Keep in mind that opinion pieces should not be published on a regular basis. There is such a thing as providing too much information. Also, keep it courteous if readers disagree with you. This guideline, ideally, also applies to your readers’ remarks.

5. Videos

Videos are equally as appealing as photographs when it comes to infographics. Why? Videos keep viewers interested while needing them to do very little. They have the power to leave a lasting impression.

You can either share an existing video or make your own. Create a video that demonstrates how to do something, explains something, or gives a behind-the-scenes look at something.

Start with creating the script, regardless of the style of video you’re doing. Although videos are visually appealing, what you say (or write) is crucial. Make a video and share it on YouTube or Vimeo. Both are excellent resources for increasing video views and search traffic.

6. Interviews

There are going to be industry leaders in any niche. You will be considered as influential if you can secure an interview with someone influential.

To conduct an interview, you must first identify the appropriate interviewee. Look for someone with considerable clout in your business as well as a sizable following. Make contact with them and arrange a time when you’ll both be available to chat.

The structure of your interview should be straightforward. Introduce your interviewee to your audience, encouraging them to listen to what he or she has to offer. Ask your first inquiry and wait for them to respond. Repeat the process. For the interests of both your subject and your listeners, you don’t want to make the interview overly long. Thank the interviewee and include a call-to-action at the end of the session.

7. Comprehensive Guides

Guides are lengthy, educational blog postings. They should go above and beyond what is offered in a blog article, and your reader should feel as though they have gained something from your advice.

You can either arrange your guidelines as a blog post and publish them on your site or make them available as a PDF download. Both have their own benefits, and both are in high demand.

That’s all there is to it! These are the most popular content kinds for driving traffic, shares, and comments.

Good content has the power to both educate and delight your audience while simultaneously propelling you to expert status. It’s generating amazing content, though, that can drive visitors way beyond a simple blog post.

It’s important to remember that what works for one site might not work for another. To find out what works best for your site and audience, experiment with different sorts of content.

Remember that this isn’t an exhaustive collection of stuff. Don’t be scared to experiment and personalize your space.

By Olivia Bradley

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