A Why Does A Website Relaunch Needs To Be Mobile Friendly?

Customers’ habits in gathering information before making a purchase have been revolutionised by technological advancements in communication. At first, websites aided businesses in aggressively advertising their wares, expanding their client base, and improving the shopping experience for consumers. However, practises and fashions in creating web applications are ever-evolving. Existing websites need to be revamped and relaunched with improved conversion rates as a primary goal. If you are looking for a professional website development company than you can contact Web Development India with talented team of website developers and web designers.

As the head of a relatively modest company, I rely heavily on web analytics tools for keeping tabs on how many people visit our site and how often. But all of a sudden, I saw a precipitous drop in visitors and an accompanying spike in the site’s bounce rate. I noticed that our website was built for PCs after researching current web development trends. However, many people nowadays no longer utilise personal computers to use the web. The number of individuals using mobile devices to access the internet and use online apps has been steadily rising, according to a number of surveys.

Based on my first investigation, I now know that in order to increase conversion rate, all websites nowadays must provide a superior user experience on mobile platforms. Instead of optimising the current site for mobile devices, we opted to build a new one that works well on all types of mobile devices. The responsive website will maintain interest by providing a pleasurable experience on all devices. In addition, the site’s continued viability is ensured by its mobile friendliness. The preliminary analysis also helped me to appreciate the significance of introducing a website that is optimised for mobile use.

Microsoft’s Windows Is No Longer the Industry Standard

Windows has become the de facto standard for desktop computers. An industry-leading web analytics service, however, forecast that Android, Google’s open-source mobile OS, will soon overtake Windows as the most popular OS online. According to data collected and published by a number of websites, Android is now more popular than Windows in terms of accessing the internet. According to online traffic data, consumers are increasingly relying on mobile devices rather than desktop or laptop PCs. We can better accommodate our users’ evolving needs and wants by making the site mobile-friendly.

The Rise of Mobile Media Consumption

These days, most consumers utilise their mobile devices, mostly smartphones and tablets, for both research and actual purchases. The use of digital media has been shown to be on the rise by a number of studies. Research suggests that consumers now spend more than half of their time consuming digital media on mobile devices. With mobile device usage continuing to climb, it is crucial for businesses to ensure that their websites are mobile-friendly. We decided against just mobile-optimizing our current website and instead built a new one from the ground up to provide an exceptional mobile user experience that would keep customers coming back.

Intuitive Search Engine Design for Mobile Devices

These days, most people utilise their mobile devices to research a wide range of topics. Consequently, Google and other major search engines investigate methods to improve the quality of mobile search results. Google’s intention to prioritise mobile-friendliness of websites as a ranking indication was announced in 2015. The rollout of Google’s mobile-friendly upgrade, which will improve search results for mobile users, has already begun. To ensure that the current web pages were suitable for mobile use, we employed a mobile-friendly test tool. Neither of our websites passed the mobile-friendliness test. As a result, we made a mobile-friendly site to obtain natural search engine tactics without resorting to SEO. There are many Website Development  Agency in USA with good web developers and designers who are skilled and professional  to develop custom web application.

Lessen the number of people who leave before finishing their visit.

In the course of my preliminary investigation, I learned how crucial it is for a website to load quickly. Multiple recent studies have shown that if a website takes more than three seconds to load, the majority of users will just go. There are several approaches to speed up a website’s loading time, such as decreasing page weight, compressing front-end resources, and making use of content delivery networks (CDNs). However, standard websites are not optimised for use on mobile gadgets. Therefore, it takes longer for the webpages to load. We opted to optimise the site for mobile use, which meant building it from the ground up. We’ve seen an uptick in conversions and a decrease in user abandonment thanks to the site’s mobile friendliness.

Enhance Your Connection With Your Customers And Help Them Feel Special

A website’s usability is closely related to the quality of the user experience it provides. A poor user experience is provided by websites that are not optimised for mobile devices. In contrast, a website that is optimised for mobile use keeps visitors interested by providing easy access to content on the go. We figured that by adding in mobile-specific features like click to call and location-aware technologies, we might improve the mobile user experience provided by the new website. Additionally, the website will serve as a tool to propel our digital marketing initiatives and enhance our company’s engagement with its clientele.

I also seek out several mobile-friendly website development strategies in addition to researching ways to enhance the mobile user experience of the website. My preliminary investigation into the topic enlightened me about the benefits and drawbacks of various strategies for creating mobile-friendly websites. To ensure that the site appears properly across desktop and mobile browsers, for instance, we can use responsive web design. To the same extent, a progressive web app will enable the website to provide a mobile user experience. To create a mobile-friendly website that would keep users engaged for longer, we used a number of mobile website development strategies.

By Olivia Bradley

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