Narration: characteristics and main elements


A narrative is made up of various features and elements. In this blog we will explain everything. Do not miss it! And if you are interested in specializing even more in this sector, do not hesitate to take our Expert Postgraduate in Literary Creation.

Characteristics of a narrative

A narrative is the way of telling a sequence or a series of actions or events, real or imaginary, that happen to some characters. This occurs in a specific place and for a specific amount of time. Who tells this story, story or story, can do it in various ways to generate suspense, surprise, humor, etc.

For a narration to take place, the facts have to be related to each other and to be happening on the narrative line. This is how you get the receiver to understand the full meaning of the message.

Elements of the narrative

Any type of narrative must be made up of the following elements:


The narrator is the person who writes and tells the story. It is not necessarily the same as the author. That is, it can be the voice of one of the characters or even of someone who observed the events or knows them, without having to be involved in them. The story can be told in first person verbal (I) or in third person (he, she, they). And in some cases it can be in the second person (you).


The characters in a story can be represented by people, animals, or things. In the case of the latter two, they acquire human characteristics and behave like people. Through them the facts and events of a narrative are developed. They can be real or fictional. During the play, the narrator is introduced to the characters giving physical and psychological characteristics. In this way, the reader can create an idea of ​​each of them. Here are some of the different characters that can appear within a narrative text:

Main characters

There are two types of main characters:

Protagonists: their function integrates the organization of events. Therefore, they are the part that structures the action. They form the nucleus in which the actions of the story will revolve.

Antagonists: they are in charge of opposing the actions of the protagonist.

Secondary characters

Secondary characters are those who support or support both the protagonists and the antagonists. Therefore, they help to complete the main characters.


The actions of a narrative story is everything that is told. That is, it is the plot that occurs by scenes and episodes. And it is organized in a basic structure: the beginning, the middle and the end.


Space is the place where the events of a story take place.


Time can refer to both the time or moment in which the narrative is located. Or, to the amount of time the story takes, either to develop its scenes or actions.


The plot is a chronological order of all the anecdotes that make up the story, presented by a narrator to a reader.


By Olivia Bradley

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