Types of readers | What kind of reader are you?


For those who had no idea, there is a wide variety of readers, even more than I can summarize. And it is that each reader has their habits and their way of reading, because some read in pdf, some in epub, others read physical books and refuse to touch any in digital. This is all very well, because people are different, so we cannot classify them all in the same way.

And these are just a few examples of the types of readers we encounter on a daily basis. However, my mission in this post is to go a little further and show you some types of readers, with which you are not yet familiar, because I am sure that the ones I have already mentioned are well known to you.

Types of readers

For everything in this life there are categories and readers are no exception. Unfortunately for some, we are classified in x ways thanks to our reading habit and although not all of us fit perfectly within these parameters, we cannot say that we do not have at least one quality that I will mention below:

  • Mandatory reader. In general, this type of reader is a student or some office worker. They usually read a couple of books a year because school or work sends them to it. In fact, this type of reader may not feel a real interest in reading. It is considered that he is on the lowest rung of the reading scale, since it is very likely that once an authoritative figure stops assigning or asking him to read a book, he does not read it of his own free will.
  • Puzzle reader. This type of reader likes to read several books at the same time and generally from different genres. It jumps from fantasy to detective novel, from romance to thriller or from essay to short story. They usually carry more than 3 books in their bag and when they forget one, they feel uncomfortable and incomplete. He goes to bookstores whenever he can, looking for new topics, news that will blow his mind. Thanks to all this, their thoughts are different from each other, which is why they are shaped like a puzzle.
  • Recommended reader. Or as some call it “disoriented reader”. This type of reader has a very strong reading instinct, they need to be constantly browsing books, however, their tastes are not the best. They usually have bookshelves full of not very good books, the vast majority of which are recommended and, of course, all of them are best-sellers. This type of reader is guided by the tastes and recommendations of others and adopts them as their own without really exploring their own.
  • Compulsive reader. Compulsive readers love reading madly. They tend to frequent bookstores a lot and always end up buying one more book, despite all the ones still pending at home. He finds pleasure in looking for new books and dreams of reading them all one day. His library grows exponentially, thus reflecting his mind as such, since, thanks to all his readings, he is a reader who can easily reflect on life and complex issues.
  • critical reader. Of the list, he is the pickiest reader, since nothing satisfies him, no plot seems complete to him, and he is always looking for the fifth leg of the cat. The critical reader looks for specific books and does not settle for less than literary gems, so they constantly flee from the common books that everyone reads. He tends to criticize destructively, because if a book does not meet his standards, he throws them to the ground without regard. In general, he is a committed, dedicated and responsible reader.
  • careless reader. This one is easy to identify, since he always loses his dividers or destroys them instantly, he jumps on the pages, he doesn’t remember what the plot is about or who the characters are. His way of reading often reflects his life; it’s a bit messy. He constantly asks people around him where he left his book and people tend to see him as naive and totally innocent, but these readers keep a secret. Once his time to read comes, he does it passionately.
  • belated reader. The typical one who always wants to read all the stories that happen in front of his nose. He compulsively buys books, but when he gets home, he leaves them lying around and a thousand years pass until he decides to take them and read them. He usually reads very slowly because he always has a million obligations in his daily life and he often complains about not having time to read, but he doesn’t even try to take 5 minutes out of his day to dedicate himself to it. In the end, he ends up falling behind with all the pending readings until they are forgotten and lives in the constant dream that one day he will.


By Olivia Bradley

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