How To Sell Google Play Gift Card For Cash?

How To Sell Google Play Gift Card For Cash?

Many people do not know that you can sell google play gift card online and get cash for it in return! If you want to learn how to sell Google Play gift cards and how much you can expect to get from them, then keep reading! 

Also, we’ll provide some useful tips on how to sell your gift card quickly and easily. So, if you have an unused Google Play gift card or two lying around, now’s the time to read this article and learn how to sell google play gift cards

Here are the most important things that you need to know about selling your Google Play cards!

What Are Google Play Gift Cards?

Google play gift cards are Google’s response to Apple’s iTunes gift cards. These new payment methods allow users of Android phones and tablets to make purchases on apps, books, movies, music, and more in much the same way that iTunes gift cards allow Apple product users to do so. While they aren’t yet available in all countries, they have already become a common form of payment in America.

Choose a platform

So you’ve got a gift card you don’t want or need—what do you do with it? Want to sell google play gift card online on a reliable platform? There are many options for selling your gift card, but you should consider your overall goals before diving in. 

Amazon, for example, allows you to sell unwanted cards at a discount from their face value. Also, some venues offer better cashback than others. 

If you’re looking to get rid of your gift card as quickly as possible, eBay is probably not your best bet; if you’re looking for maximum profit potential and are willing to wait no longer, GC Buying might be worth considering.

List the cards

First, make a list of where you can sell your gift card. A quick Internet search should yield a host of places that will buy it from you, including various retailers and even auction sites. Often they will also have minimum requirements; for example, Amazon limits cards to $50 or more and eBay accepts only cards over $25. 

However, smaller retailers might take your card regardless of value if you catch them at a slow time. Once you’ve found all potential buyers, call around to see which ones are most flexible about meeting your needs. 

For example, if one buyer requires a certain dollar amount but another is willing to accept any amount below its maximum limit, that’s probably who you want to go with. But don’t stop there—if you find someone willing to meet all of your criteria, go with him or her!

Get paid

Many e-gift cards, including those from iTunes and Amazon, are sent by email, while others are sent via postal mail. When they’re delivered by e-mail, you’ll see them in your inbox as attachments. 

If you don’t see them right away, look in your junk mail folder—many e-gift cards wind up there by mistake. When they’re delivered via postal mail (physical gift cards), they can be redeemed online or at stores that sell these items.

By Olivia Bradley

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