What Are The Benefits Offered Under VA Disabilities?

VA disability benefits

The veterans who sustain an injury or disability during the course of their service are entitled to the VA disability benefits. After the veteran’s eligibility and claim are proven the VA disability benefits would be granted to them. Not only the veteran but there are cases where these benefits extend to the family members as well. Some of the VA disability benefits granted are explained below.

Financial Support

In most cases, the veterans after the approval of their application are provided additional income on monthly basis. It is a tax-free income in case of disability compensation. For instance, at a 10 % rating, a veteran gets an additional $115 monthly. In case, if a veteran lives on for 50 years, he will be getting an additional $69,000 to ease up his expenses like kids’ school fees, payments to buy a car or mortgage, etc.

Access to Healthcare

Under the VA disability benefits, the veteran gets free health care. For instance, if a veteran needs a knee replacement surgery, then all the expenses would be paid by the VA. Also, veterans entitled to Non-Service-Connected Pension or Disability compensations can also use these VA services. For veterans who have health insurance or are presently serving, this VA disability benefit might not seem useful but after retirement, this could prove to be beneficial.

Housing Facilities

After September 11, 2001, Congress decided that every fiscal year just 120 service members and veterans would be provided grants. In case if you pass the eligibility for the grant but were not provided one due to the limit then you might be able to use the grant in the following year.

Anyhow, service members or individuals who suffer disability during the duty are eligible for the housing facilities. This will enable them to change or purchase a home as per their requirements. This all comes under the Special Home Adaption grant. If a veteran qualifies for this grant, then he will be provided an amount of $20,387.

Benefits for the survivors

One of the most important benefits provided under the VA disability benefits is the ones reserved for the family. In the event of the veteran’s death, the children and spouses can get the benefits that are connected to the service. Possibilities are that disabled veterans’ children and spouses can claim the VA disability benefits. These benefits include education and a variety of pensions. These could help the deceased veteran’s family carry on with their life.

Entitlement to more VA disability benefits

Veterans applying for the VA disability benefits would be able to enjoy numerous advantages, grants, and services. These are specially allocated to the veterans seeking service-related VA disability benefits. Some of these include:

  • Exemption from paying property tax.
  • VA provided home loans
  • Access to care for the long term.
  • New career training through Vocational Rehabilitation.
  • Help to start a business
  • Increased chances of getting a government job. 
  • Increased chances of landing in government contracts

Besides these benefits, a veteran is entitled to many more VA disability benefits. A veteran just needs to apply for these grants keeping the eligibility criteria in mind.

By Olivia Bradley

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