A Guide To Raising Confident Children By Jonah Engler

One of the most wholesome aspects of parenthood is watching your child grow, change, and eventually develop their own personality. While being a part of their journey is indeed a great honor, we sometimes worry whether our guidance is enough to set them on the right path. It is said that an individual’s childhood is the blueprint of their adult life, and rightly so. What one learns early in their childhood develops the foundation of all future learning, behavior, relationships, and physical and mental well-being. Among the many habits that parents should instill in their children, Jonah Engler believes confidence is most important.

Research has shown a strong correlation between self-esteem and one’s outlook on life. For a child to thrive, they must learn to have faith in themselves and trust that their abilities can take them far in life. Confident children are aware that they are worthy of being loved and that they belong with their friends and family. Here Jonah Engler will be giving you a few simple but effective tips to raise bold and self-assured children.

Jonah Engler’s Tips To Bolster Your Child’s Self Esteem

Be a Role Model – Actions will always speak louder than words; there is no better way to teach confidence than by modeling it yourself in everyday life. That doesn’t mean that you have to pretend to be perfect or act like you have it all together. Instead, let your kids see that being self-assured and tackling tasks with optimism can help overcome even the most difficult days. Teach them that life will have good days and bad; the only way to push through these phases is by believing that you can.

Appreciate Them– For a child to feel loved and validated, it is vital to encourage and appreciate them verbally. Acknowledging their accomplishments is a great way to boost their morale. However, Jonah Engler emphasizes that it is essential to teach them that their self-worth depends not on what they do but on who they are. How they treat others and carry themselves in life defines them more than what they achieve.

Embrace Imperfection – Our kids are growing up in an era dominated by the internet. Now more than ever, it is vital to highlight that what we see on social media, TV, and magazines is not accurate. The perception that people are always happy, well dressed, and successful and have the best things in life is a fantasy. Thinking that others have it easy in life can discourage you and make you doubt your capabilities. Remind your kids that perfection is unrealistic. Every person struggles to find their way through life, but only those who persevere succeed.

Let Them Fail – Jonah Engler understands that it is natural for a parent to want to protect your child from all difficulties and struggles life offers. However, children learn and excel through trial and error. There is no success without failure; falling short of a goal teaches them that setbacks aren’t fatal, and as long as you keep trying, you are bound to find success. Slowly but gradually, they start developing the confidence that they are capable and can handle whatever life throws their way.

Bottom Line:

Jonah Engler points out that the tips above, although quiet straightforward can significantly help better your child’s confidence levels. Remember that confident kids aren’t born, they are raised. Small steps like positive words of affirmation, affection and appreciation can go a long way when it comes to making a child feel worthy.

By Olivia Bradley

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