Affiliate Marketing – The Ultimate Step by Step Guide

What is Affiliate Marketing?

affiliate marketing refers to the practice of earning a profit by marketing another individual’s (or the company’s) product. You discover a product that you like, and then you promote your customers about it, and get a portion of the revenue for every sale you earn.

It’s like receiving a commission, only you’re not employed by the business. Instead, it’s more like receiving the reward of referring customers to the business.

Also, if you assist another business in generating sales, you receive an income share, Learn how to generate your first affiliate sale.

The greatest part of this is you won’t need to put in the effort and money to make your own products because someone else has already performed the work.

You can start earning income by becoming an affiliate as soon when you’ve got somewhere to endorse products, whether it’s an existing website or the podcast you’ve begun and even social media.

The only thing you need to do is to send visitors to the product and everything else is yours to control . . . right?


There’s more in order to make affiliate marketing work this is the reason that most people who try affiliate marketing fail or see only the odd dollar making their way through their efforts.

I’d like to help you see incredible, life-changing outcomes from affiliate marketing. That’s why I’m glad you’re here.

Two ways you can be involved in affiliate marketing: either as an owner of a product/affiliate marketing program creator or as an affiliate marketer.

In this article we’ll focus on the process of affiliate marketing online from the affiliate marketer’s side.

Affiliate marketing is among the top effective methods to earn money online. Whatever your field the potential benefits of affiliate marketing is almost endless when you approach it in the right manner!

The beauty in affiliate marketing particularly for newbies, is that you don’t need to spend time and effort in developing the products that are going to be used by your target audience. Because guess what?

The products may already exist.

This is why affiliate marketing presents a lucrative opportunity everyone can benefit from It’s simple to start.

Examples of affiliate marketing are all around us, and you’ve likely been involved in affiliate marketing , but not being aware of it!

If you’ve ever clicked an advertisement in an article on a blog to access the product or service advertised on a different website There’s a good chance the owner of the site which you initially clicked the link made a profit from the purchase.

Yes affiliate marketing is everywhere, but this is the problem: only a only a few people know how to make the most of it.

In reality, I believe affiliate marketing is the most under-utilized source of passive income!

It’s an amazing method that’s not widely utilized and I’m thrilled to show you how it works.

Who Is a Good Fit for Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the ideal option for bloggers, entrepreneurs or really anyone with a website who is looking to create an audience they can reach with authenticity.

If that’s the case there are products available today that your target market are likely buying. If you could become the person that promotes those products, you could earn an income from the commission.

Affiliate marketing is an ideal option when you’re not in the position of creating your own service or product However, you’d like to provide your customers with offering products that might be beneficial to them.

Affiliate marketing online can be beneficial to a broad range of people since you can employ a range of different methods to market the affiliate’s products or services.

They include the same marketing strategies you are already using, such as the search engine optimizer (SEO) and the paid-search engine marketing (SEM), email marketing as well as content marketing and advertisements for display.

You could also take advantage of other clever methods to promote products for example, product reviews or unboxings.

Consider the following YouTube video I created in which I go over and demonstrate three USB podcasting microphones and also include Amazon affiliate programs hyperlinks to purchase the microphones inside the caption.

It’s also important to be aware that affiliate marketing will work best when you’re honest and confident about the product or service you’re selling.

It’s only a good idea to sell the product you own if believed it would benefit people in some way, and the same is true when it comes to affiliate marketing. If you approach affiliate marketing with a mindset of getting rich quick it’s unlikely that you’ll be satisfied with the outcomes.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Let’s look into the specifics of how affiliate marketing operates. There are three major players in the affiliate marketing system:

  1. Your website and you are the “affiliate.”
  2. A company that affiliates with (or networks). In the most basic affiliate arrangement that you are working directly with one company to market one or one of their offerings. There are more intricate affiliate networks, which offer the opportunity to earn affiliate earnings from a variety of products including AmazonImpact or ShareASale.
  3. The customer. It is your target audience that uses the affiliate hyperlink to buy an item from an affiliate business or from the affiliate network.

A company offering the affiliate program can use an alternative name, but these programs are often referred to as affiliate programs, and referral plans.

This is how everyone benefits by affiliate-marketing:

  1. Through your recommendations your audience is informed about a course, product or other tool that could be beneficial to them.
  2. Based on your recommendations The business that is selling the course, product, or tool attracts new customers that they might not have found elsewhere;
  3. Due to the sale to your customers The company pays you a percentage.

If done correctly when done correctly, affiliate marketing can be an effective win-win.

However, at the heart of all this is one factor that is your audience’s trust.

If your audience is convinced that they are looking out for their best interests in mind and trusts your advice All three parties involved in the affiliate marketing partnership ultimately profit.

Many people are concerned about getting involved in affiliate marketing due to the possibility that it could make them appear slimy or seem too slick.

It’s the reason I’ve made it a part of my job to show people how to use affiliate marketing and marketing strategies in a manner that is profitable for all.

The main factor that determines success in affiliate marketing?


Build trust with your readers first. Only suggest affiliate products you’ve personally used and that you know your audience will gain from.

You know what?

Most people do it wrong by adopting an income-first than a serve-first strategy.

They promote random products and then over-promote them but do not provide worth to their customers.

Affiliate marketing has received an undeserved bad name in certain circles, which has led some ethically conscious entrepreneurs to be cautious about affiliate marketing.

However, thankfully, you can be successful, keeping the trust of your audience and making them appreciate your advice.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing (and Drawbacks)

Like everything else affiliate marketing, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

In the next section I’ll give you the guidelines you require to conduct affiliate marketing in a way that you can take advantage of the possibilities available and avoid any negative consequences.

Here are the most important advantages and disadvantages of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing Pros

  • A low barriers to entry. Affiliate marketing is simple to start, and it costs a small amount. Most affiliate programs are free to join, and you don’t have to create, stock, or ship products, which also means less hassle/responsibility.
  • Risk-free. You’re not the owner of the product So you won’t lose any money if the customer decides not to purchase.
  • Potential for passive income. Affiliate marketing can be a source to earn passive income.
  • Freedom to move around. When you earn a passive income, you are able to work at any time and from any location so long as there is internet connectivity.

Affiliate Marketing Cons

  • Not a quick fix. It may take time to build the amount of traffic required to bring in a significant amount of revenue.
  • You have less control. You don’t control or own the product or service you’re recommending which means you aren’t able to control the quality or experience of the customers.
  • The audience is tired and there is a lot of competition. A successful affiliate program indicates you could be competing with other companies for customers.
  • Offer fatigue. People can also experience “offer fatigue” if they get too much continuous promotions from you.
  • All affiliate programs are not made to be equal. While the majority of companies that offer affiliate commissions are reliable and trustworthy However, there are some scam companies available and some could not pay as they claim they will. It is important to conduct your research.
  • The risk of hijacking links. Unscrupulous users could take over those affiliate hyperlinks, also known in the field of “clickjacking,” potentially stealing your commission.

Make Affiliate Marketing Part of Your Success

Learn how to distinguish yourself from the restFind tools that can aid in setting up and operation Download the Cheat Sheet

How Much Do Affiliate Marketers Make?

The great thing about affiliate marketing lies in the fact that you do not need to spend the time or effort to design an item to market.

You can start selling something by way of affiliate marketing when there is a suitable platform that you can advertise it. This way affiliate marketing can be an excellent option to earn additional income with no amount of hassle or initial cost.

However, it’s not a method to become rich quickly.

As with any passive income sources It takes the time and energy to make an adequate revenue stream.

While affiliate marketing was my primary sources of revenue for quite a time, it took some time to get to where I amtoday, which included having a close relationship with the companies I’m affiliate with.

My very first month of Affiliate marketing (December 2008) I made an incredible $163.16:

Here’s what I accomplished during December of 2009 which was my first full calendar year working as an affiliate marketing professional:

Here’s what my affiliate income was in December of 2017, the last month in which I released my income reports:

As you can see, I’ve been doing extremely well with affiliate marketing over the last 10 years. However, it took lots of time and effort to get there.

What is the average amount you earn once you’re up and up and

It’s all about how dedicated you are to the project and the amount of energy, time, and concentration you’re willing to devote to it. It’s also dependent on a number of other elements:

  1. The percentage of commission you get per sale of an affiliate’s products or services.
  2. How big is your target audience.
  3. How effective are you at marketing those services or products to your target audience.
  4. The average commission percentages will vary based on the affiliate firm that you work with and the type of product or services you’re trying to promote.

Digital products and services generally provide higher profits due to their lower production costs and fulfillment. There are no raw materials production storage space and shipping costs, for example.

The margins could be as high as 50 .

However because of the above expenses, physical products are more likely to have lower percentage margins. Sometimes, they are with a single digit.

Fortunately, there isn’t a limitation on the amount you can earn in the field of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to increase your income stream and could even be your primary source of income, if you’re willing to commit.

However, in any situation, if you’re trying to achieve long-term success using affiliate marketing, you need to commit to doing it in the right manner.

What Affiliate Marketing Strategies Do Marketers Use to Promote Their Partners?

There are many ways you can market your affiliate partner’s product on the internet.

Here’s a starting list of 10 ideas to give your affiliate marketing brain to think about and remix

1. Create An Epic Post

One thing I enjoy to do when I am promoting products is to write the Epic Post about it.

What’s your most memorable article?

Consider it an all-in-one source for this specific product. It’s not only a brief review as a full-fledged overview to the product, including FAQs, how-to as well as best practices and troubleshooting information for anyone who buys the product.

If you can provide this amount of information to potential buyers prior to making a purchase you’ll make them more likely to buy.

Additionally the post is an extremely shareable post that has the potential of ranking highly for the specific product search term in Google.

In this post I’d be all out and . . .

2. Create Multiple Youtube Videos About The Product

These videos must be included in the epic blog post.

This is a crucial affiliate marketing technique because YouTube is the most popular search engine on the planet. You could get a significant amount of traffic from the affiliate links on YouTube and YouTube videos can be ranked in Google as well.

Additionally, by making multiple videos of a certain product, you will create more opportunities for SEO.

Include an affiliate hyperlink in your video’s description The ideal place to include it is in the first section of the description so that viewers don’t need to click “show more” or “read more” to view it.

What are the topics you should cover on these video clips?

I would suggest recording your entire experience from beginning to end and then breaking it into pieces. People enjoy watching shorter videos, which can be beneficial to you and gives you many chances to rank well for terms related to the product.

If it’s a digital item begin with the moment of purchase and take users through the entire purchase. If you’re selling physical products, you might want to consider making an unboxing video.

3. Host A Webinar

A way for you to elevate your affiliate advertising to another level would be to hold an online webinar to promote it.

Webinars are a very effective method of sharing an idea with your audience. They’re interactive as they’re live, and you can make them as something that actually happens. So, your marketing will be more memorable as opposed to a standard affiliate link that’s inserted in a blog post.

Take this in conjunction with the tip number 15 from my list below and let the creator of the product give high-value informationand answer questions directly from viewers through the webinar You’ve got yourself winning.

4. Publish A Webinar Replay

Remember to record your live webinar in order you can put it on your site to play it back for people who weren’t able to attend live or who watched it live but would like to revisit the details.

In reality there’s a good chance that more people will be watching it on replay rather than live which is a great idea. All you have to do is allow them to watch it.

I suggest recording using software for screen capture such as Camtasia Studio or Screenflow.

This is an instance of a blog article on my website with an audio recording of a webinar together with Clay Collins of Leadpages, one of the companies with which I’m an affiliate.screenshot of webinar for LeadPages

Make sure that, in the webinar as well as on the page in which your replay is included you provide people with multiple chances for them to visit your affiliate links.

5. Give Away A Bonus

This is likely to be one of the least utilized strategies I’m sharing in the present, but probably one of the most effective too.

Alongside promoting the affiliate product, offer an additional bonus to all people who purchase the product through your affiliate link as a thank you.

There’s a good chance that you’re not the only person promoting the product. To convince people to purchase from you rather than the other person you can offer a reward which is only available from a purchase made through your link.

It is enough to ask your members of your audience to email you their receipts via email. Then, you’ll be able to respond with the bonus or details on how to get it.

So what would that bonus be?

Perhaps it’s a webinar that teaches users how to use the product and includes an opportunity for questions following it. Imagine purchasing the product, get familiar with it and then two days later being able to access an online webinar that teaches how you can make use of the product, and also the opportunity to ask questions regarding the product. How amazing would that be?

It could be a bonus item, or piece of software you own that is compatible with an affiliate’s product.

Perhaps it’s a deal you negotiate with the person who owns the product, which offers a reason to buy from you.

It could be a coupon code or discount for another item you own or have connections to.

Perhaps it’s an easy-to-follow PDF guide that includes guidelines and best practices for the product, or perhaps an online site with videos that provide similar guidelines.

You’re providing value to the purchase and making customers feel at ease, as well as aiding those in a bind to go from “I’m not sure if this is right for me” to “This is exactly what I need, and more.”

6. Promote Your Products Indirectly On Social Media

Although your website may be the core for your affiliate marketing strategy social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.–can play an significant roles within your affiliate marketing plan as well.

The issue with social media, at most in my personal experiences and the experiences of the majority of individuals I’ve met –is that if you promote directly via your social media sites You’re unlikely to receive a favorable response.

The people who use social media tend to connect and they are not there to get sold on.

However, there is hope in the world of affiliate marketing as you can make an indirect push on social media that is, rather than directly linking affiliate hyperlinks via Facebook as well Twitter and any other social media platform, you’re linking to something valuable which contains the affiliate link for example, video content, an impressive blog post or a link that lets you join webinars.

You’re not directly linking to the affiliate hyperlink, rather rather a source that can engage users before they even click, gain their trust, and explain to them the value of the product before they click on the affiliate link.

One of the fundamental rules of online marketing has been that the less gateways or clicks that people need to traverse before they can click”buy “buy” button, the more efficient.

However, I believe it’s changed and is now more or less the less you offer and the less likely you are to be able to sell.

the more confidence you build up before, the higher the chance that people will purchase from you.

You don’t want anyone to be required to click for 100 times to get to the place you want them to go, however just a couple of clicks will suffice insofar as you give them enough details prior to making the right choice.

7. Run A Giveaway To Take Advantage Of “Social Proof”

Social proof refers to the concept that people naturally follow what the people are doing. In this instance, let’s say you’re at the mall and you notice a large crowd of people gathered around one particular shop.

It’s hard not to know what’s happening. Everyone has a reason, and you’d like to know what the motive is.

This is essentially having someone else manage your marketing In this instance, however it’s via metrics such as the number of subscribers comments, likes, and likes and other things of that sort.

This is how this strategy could be implemented within the actual world.

If you are planning to promote a product through an affiliate, make sure you collaborate with the creator to acquire several copies of the product to distribute to your followers at no cost.

Perhaps you can negotiate discounts for a specific time for your guests as well. It’s not always an option, but it certainly is a bad idea to inquire.

In an article on your blog, write a review of this product. Maybe it’s part of your most important post, or maybe you’ll mention it at the conclusion of your most popular blog posts.

Inform your audience that you’ve got up to three copies the product that you can give away for free. Also, for the chance to be entered into the draw to take home one copy Your audience members need to post a comment on what they’d do with the product, and the reasons why it will benefit them.

Let them browse by an affiliate hyperlink from yours to find out what the product’s about. Then, they can go back to your blog to post their comment.

What happens is that you will get a lot of users leaving comments which serve as social proof for the value that the item is.

Nothing is more effective than a recommendation from someone else which, in this case it’s the recommendation of other people for the product you’re selling through affiliate marketing.

You can also keep in touch with those who comment on the blog but do not win, and share special offers or an email thanking them for participating and offering the link to your affiliate another time.

I’ve employed this method to great success in promoting various products previously and I would suggest that you give it a go.

8. Promote Products Indirectly Via Your Email List

The email lists you have are an essential element to any marketing affiliate strategy. If you don’t have one, it’s time to start making one now! Email is extremely effective in marketing, which is why many people believe, “The money’s in the list.”

Like using social media platforms, I suggest directly promoting the email lists you have. I do not directly promote anything within my list of email addresses. If there are hyperlinks in my emails, they will direct you to other content, typically in my personal blog for example epic videos, posts webinars, and the like.

It should be about giving users as much valuable content as you can and not promoting direct sales. In fact, some affiliate programs, like Amazon’s won’t permit affiliate links within emails. For more details on Amazon, check out my Amazon affiliate marketing guide here..

It is essential to take good control of the email lists and be careful not to be overly aggressive in your approach. Direct promotion is a more effective method of doing things, particularly when you’re focusing on building trust with your readers (and you ought to be! ).

9. Promote Products Indirectly On Other People’s Sites

Another instance where indirect linking can be your best friend.

If you’re interviewed by someone else’s blog, or are asked to contribute to a guest blog and link back to your site with a piece of content your site , which contains the affiliate link.

Like email and social media You don’t want to be a hammer on people’s head with your links. And most often should you attempt to directly link to an affiliate product via the site of someone else they will not allow the link in any way.

10. Review And Compare Different Products Of The Same Type

Another method is to compare different kinds of products. Compare and contrast. Also, If you offer them your advice, ensure that your it is affiliated with the company.

The reason why this works is due to the fact that people prefer the idea of shopping, however they also want the convenience. Instead of making them go searching across the internet make them stay on your site and review all the various products all in one place.

If you’ve been doing a great job of building trust with your audience and trust, then a well-written comparative reviews of various types of products could be a fantastic way to increase affiliate sales.

It could be an incredible post that includes videos and exclusive deals for your readers.

By Olivia Bradley

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