Apply The Top-Rated Dandruff Shampoo For Your Oily Scalp 

best shampoo for oily scalp and dry hair in india

When it comes to your hair, you deal with several hair-related problems on a daily basis. Sometimes you feel your hair is too dry or too oily. Without consulting any expert, you start using various shampoos that will erase the dryness or oily effects from your scalp. What makes your scalp so oily or dry? In the present days, people are getting trendy day-by-day. To follow the latest trends, you start using various hair care products which contain harsh chemicals. As a result, your scalp gets affected and then it leads to the problem of dandruff. Everytime you brush your hair, you see the tiny white flakes linger on your scalp. Apply the best shampoo for oily scalp and dry hair in India to treat white flakes effectively from your scalp. 

Peek Into Dandruff

Having dandruff makes a person irritated. Primarily, dandruff affects scalp. White flakes which are dandruff causes the skin of the scalp to become itchy. When you scratch your head, you will notice the flakes of dead skin fall off on your shoulder. Dandruff starts around puberty and subsides at the age of 50.

As dead skin starts to flake, the skin starts to replace itself and the old dead skin cells are pushed outward, making them flake off. These white flakes are tiny and most of the time, they are unnoticeable. The cells of the skin can replace at a rapid pace. Hence, skin sheds in the form of clumps and appears to be oily. Such flakes are visible. In some people, dandruff may become less aggressive. In such cases, treating dandruff gets easy. If dandruff gets more aggressive, then a dermatologist opts for a medicated treatment. 

Main Causes Of Dandruff 

The main cause of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis. What makes you more prone to dandruff? Sensitivity to hair products, dry skin and eczema are some of the prime causes that lead to dandruff. It is believed that malassezia which is a common fungus can trigger white flakes. The growth of cells is increased by Malassezia. Extra skin cells die and start to flake off. If you are sick or stressed, then dandruff can worsen. 

Your diet could increase the risk of dandruff. Deficiency of zinc and vitamin B can increase the chances of dandruff. The increase in severity of dandruff can also be due to colder weather. You should keep in mind that if you do not maintain hygiene properly, then you may have to deal with dandruff. 

Use Dandruff Shampoo For Oily Hair 

You have oily hair and you use the wrong shampoo. As a result, dandruff will be visible on the scalp. Instead of using over-the-counter shampoo, you should use a shampoo that is especially designed for oily scalp. The shampoo for oily hair with dandruff will cure the unpleasant white flakes from your scalp. You can be assured of experiencing dandruff-free hair after using this shampoo. 

Use the best quality dandruff shampoo for your dry and oily hair to get dandruff treated effectively. 


By Olivia Bradley

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