Are Cane Corsos Dangerous Dogs?

Cane Corso

When it comes to large or intimidating dog breeds, one that immediately recalls can be Cane Corso. The dog is magnificent tough, intelligent, and needs a lot of regular training. With a height of around 2.25 feet and weighing just over 100lbs Cane Corsos can be tough dogs that can be considered by some to be charming, while others consider the dog to be a bit scary.

They are extremely sensitive and perceptive, constantly taking note of every circumstance to determine what their response will be. Dogs who are smart such as these require an occupation to keep them engaged and prevent boredom (which could lead to negative behaviour).

While they’re generally safe in the sense however, the size of their bodies and power could create some challenges in the event that they are not trained correctly. These dogs require an extensive amount of time to socialize. They’re not a fan of strangers, not just dogs, and they need to get exposed frequently to be taught appropriate behavior. Cane Corsos are a loving breed in their group, so it’s not easy when you observe their reactions towards strangers!

In the past the breed was breed to be employed on farms, alongside livestock, and also for guarding. They are territorial and protective and are great as the role of a guard dog. But they form strong bonds with their pack, which makes the perfect couch potato.

Cane Corsos and Aggression

There doesn’t appear to be an aggressive gene in certain breeds of dogs. But every dog is prone to becoming aggressive and it’s often due to inadequate training. Certain aspects that are characteristic of Cane Corso that make it more likely to trigger an aggressive response. For instance the breed is cautious of strangers. This is a result of many years of breeding and being trained as guard dogs. If well-socialized the Cane Corso is likely to be more friendly with strangers. According to Cane Corso Breeders, without proper training Your Cane Corso will likely be more susceptible to aggression towards strangers.

It’s important to keep in mind that with a breed such as this one that it’s unlikely to have a love for strangers. If you’re looking for an animal that will greet your guests as members of their own family Look for another breed than the Cane Corso. If you’re comfortable with your dog’s aloofness it’s fine. However, ensure that your guests are aware that they shouldn’t enter the dog’s area or disturb the dog.

Cane Corsos are able to be friends with other dogs, but this requires a significant amount of socialization and training .

Children living in homes that has Cane Corsos should be aware that fighting with friends in a play environment is strictly prohibited when the dog is at home. The dogs are fiercely protecting their families and homes, and may not be aware that children are simply playing. Even siblings of the same house should be mindful of their behavior toward each other , which the dog might perceive as or even aggressive. Cane Corsos are often overwhelmed and anxious. You should only bring an animal like this into your home in the case of well-behaved children who are able to remember the fact that there is a pet who has the capability of stepping in to protect its owners, but is unable to recognize the difference between work and play.

Another thing to think about when thinking about this breed is: Cane Corsos are also more cautious and anxious when they are in areas that are not familiar to them. They require time to build confidence in a new setting.

How Cane Corso Socialization Can Help to Control their Aggressiveness

Since the last few years, the frequency of Cane Corso bites and aggressive incidents has been increasing. Some of them even resulted in fatalities. Although they can be wonderful pets for the family, they also require an enormous amount of work. They need a job. engaging them in socialization and making sure that you discourage aggressive behavior and encourage positive ones can help. Many people buy the dog because they like the appearance, but aren’t prepared to undertake the effort to train the breed that is naturally dominant.

Pitbulls are, statistically speaking, the breed most likely to kill human beings. Many of these assaults result from owners who do not train their dogs or, more importantly they encourage aggression. Pitbulls have their own approach to attack, which involves shaking their prey. This can lead to extensive bone, tissue and organ injury.

The Cane Corso as a Family Dog

Cane Corso Puppies can make great companions, but they require enormous time, energy, and a lot of consistency. Training with a trainer and attending classes is the best choice to bring one of these magnificent canines to your home. Anyone who is not familiar with the dog-ownership process big breeds, large breeds or dogs that aren’t naturally social are not advised to consider that breed to be their first pet. Experienced dog owners as well as those familiar with rescue dogs, special-needs dogs or any other dog that is suspicious are probably in a better position to handle the Cane Corso.

The dog-ownership experience is full of options. Don’t pick a breed that you like because it looks nice. Find out about the dog’s personality and temperament and determine if you are able to effectively raise your dog in a safe manner and be sure that it’s fit to lead a full and prosperous lifestyle with the family you share with.

By Olivia Bradley

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