Avoid The Top 10 Mistakes Made By Beginning Kamado Egg BBQ

Are you looking for ways to improve your barbecue skills? If yes, then you should check out this article. The author has compiled a list of the top ten mistakes made by beginners who try their hand at cooking on a Kamado grill. The tips and tricks included in this article will help you avoid the pitfalls that most newbies make when they first start cooking with a Kamado Egg BBQ. And if you are not yet using a Kamado Club BBQ, then these pointers will also serve as helpful reminders about what is involved in getting started with your very own Kamado ceramic Egg BBQ.

Top 10 mistakes to avoid

  1. Don’t use paper plates or foil pans. Instead, use ceramic or glass plates (or better still, stainless steel). This way, you can be sure that you won’t have food sticking to them and ruining your grilling experience. You’ll find that it’s much easier to clean up after yourself too.
  2. Do not assume that you have to buy some special Kamado-specific tools just because you’re going to cook with a Kamado Egg BBQ. Most people think that Kamado egg bbq requires you to purchase specific accessories such as basting mops and racks. All you need is a large pot and an oven mitt so that you don’t burn yourself while handling hot plates.
  3. Don’t try to do everything at once! Once you’ve purchased your ceramic Egg BBQ, one of the first things you should do is read through the owner’s manual carefully. There may be some information there that will answer any questions you may have. When it comes time to assemble your grill, make sure you follow the instructions very closely. Also, look over the parts before you begin assembling your grill. The last thing you want to do is ruin a perfectly good piece of equipment just because you didn’t pay attention to how something was put together in the first place.
  4. Watch the sides of the grill during cooking. While you might be able to get away with letting the sides of the grill cool down completely, you shouldn’t leave them unattended. Take care of the sides of your grill because you never know when a fire could spread throughout the entire grill. A simple grease fire can quickly turn into a larger problem if left unchecked.
  5. Always remember to remove the lid from the Kamado Egg BBQ after cleaning your grill. Otherwise, you risk having someone else accidentally knock off the lid and send it flying. When you take apart your Kamado, always remember to replace the lid. It’s easy enough to miss during assembly. And if you forget to close the lid, you run the risk of smoke seeping into your house. It’s better to be safe than sorry here.
  6. Use tongs to lift items off the grill rather than your hands. Your fingers might end up being burned by the heat coming off the grill. Plus, the tongs tend to work more smoothly.
  7. Make sure that you keep the flame under control. Many people think that they can only properly control a flame when it’s directly underneath the grate of the grill. That’s just not true. Keep the flame low enough so that it doesn’t create too many problems for your grilling experience.
  8. Be careful when you open the doors of the Kamado Egg BBQ. Many people like to set the doors wide open and let them swing back and forth. This type of setup allows air to circulate inside of the Kamado. But, there’s no reason why you can’t design a Kamado that keeps the doors shut tight. It’s just a matter of personal preference.
  9. Do not store your Kamado ceramic Egg BBQin direct sunlight. Direct exposure to sunlight can cause damage to the plastic components of the grill. So, always ensure that the grill stays somewhere relatively dark.
  10. Finally, consider investing in a quality thermometer so that you can monitor your temperature without opening the door. Keeping track of the temperature will allow you to regulate the amount of charcoal or coals you use. 

You’ll also learn whether your food needs additional heat or not.

Final Thought

Kamados are great options for those who love to cook outdoors. They’re built to withstand heavy usage while offering excellent versatility. If you’ve been considering purchasing a Kamado grill, then this article has hopefully helped to clear up some misconceptions about these stoves. As long as you avoid the top ten mistakes made by beginning Kamado barbecue, you should find yourself enjoying a successful outdoor cooking adventure.

By Olivia Bradley

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