Complete Flutter Web Apps Development Bootcamp(Course)

Flutter web app development course

Web app development | Flutter Intro:

  • Overview of web app development technologies.
  • establishment of flutter.
  • Flutter construction – Part_1.
  • Flutter construction – Part_2.
  • Material Design Schema.
  • Flutter Widget life cycle.
  • Debugging & Asking Queries.
  • Evaluation of Flutter web app development & substantiation.

Web app development | Flutter Android Studio, XCodes:

  • Mac OS Android Studio & XCode Setup
  • Windows Flutter Setup
  • Windows Android Studio Setup
  • Visual Studio Code setup
Flutter web app development

Web app development | Flutter Dart Programming elemental:

  • Dart variables
  • Dart Data types
  • Dart Strings
  • Dart Numbers
  • Dart Functions
  • Dart Decision Making
  • Dart Loops
  • Dart Classes & Objects
  • Dart Maps
  • Dart Lists
  • Dart Future
  • Async / Await Dart
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Web app development | Flutter undesirable widgets, Project construction

Rows, Columns, Buttons:

  • Creating Fluter Project.
  • Understanding Flutter Project construction.
  • Flutter run Application & Material application establishment.
  • Importing Assets Flutter Projects & working with images.
  • Adding text contrivance.
  • Flutter Safe area contrivance.
  • Access device Height and Width.
  • Traverse Dropdown buttons.
  • Appreciate Column appliances.
  • Appreciate gadget Styling.
  • Enclose the Dropdown button contrivance into class.
  • Recognized Row gadget.
  • Material button gadget.
  • Stack and Alignment.
Flutter Undesirable gadgets (Web App Development)

Web app development | Flutter undesirable gadgets, undesirable data On Device:

  • Creating Flutter application & Import packages.
  • Creating distressed gadgets.
  • Creating web app application Bar.
  • Working with List-view and List-Tile gadgets.
  • Creating Floating Action Button gadgets.
  • Hereafter in Flutter & launched swarm.
  • Creating Task Model class.
  • Text-Field and pack.
  • Creating Task Model Class.
  • Text-Field and SetState in Flutter.
  • Recognized contractor gadgets.
  • Dispose of Tasks on List-view.
  • Adding New Tasks.
  • Updating & Deleting Tasks.
  • Adding latest Features.
  • Updating & Deleting Features.
Flutter Undesirable data on devices...

Web app development | Animation in Flutter:

  • Creating Flutter Application.
  • Animated gadgets in Flutter.
  • Using a minor in Animation.
  • Working with Animation Controller.

Web app development | Flutter Web Requests, Futures, Navigation, Importing Asset:

  • Creating Flutter web application & Adding assurance.
  • Appreciate REST API.
  • Coin-Gecko evaluation.
  • Loading & Reading Files in Flutter.
  • Creating HTTP Service & Get_It Package.
  • Recognized Dio HTTP Package.
  • Implementing Coin Selection Dropdown.
  • Attractive Data Using contractor from API.
  • Disposed PKR & USD Price for Coin.
  • Disposed of Percentage exchange in Coin value.
  • Disposed Coin Image.
  • Disposed Coin detail.
  • Navigation in Material using Navigation.
Flutter web app development requests

Web app development | Source land conduct, exchange crier, web requests & Font:

  • Creating Flutter Project.
  • Importing Custom Fonts in Flutter.
  • Source land conducts Framework evaluation.
  • Building a UI Game Page.
  • Working with Material Buttons.
  • Change-Notifier and contributor gadgets.
  • Listening to contributor exchanges.
  • Response Trivia queries.
  • Alert Dialog gadgets.
  • Instrument end game environments.
  • Tracking Score.
  • Adds Home-Page.
  • Slider gadgets.
  • Update Trivia complexity.

Web app development | name routes, forms, form-fields, device-capacity, Navigation-bar:

  • Name route in Flutter.
  • Login Page UI.
  • Working with Form and Form-Field gadgets.
  • Validating & Saving form Input.
  • Navigate to Register Page.
  • Register Page UI.
  • Working with Text-Form-Field gadgets.
  • Selecting files from device capacity.
  • Validating & Saving form Input.
  • Adding Action to Application Bars.
  • Bottom Navigate to Bar gadgets.
  • Creating feeds and Profile Page.

Web app development | Firebase Integration Authentication, Upload, grid-view:

  • Firebase establishment.
  • Create Firebase Project.
  • Importing Firebase Packages.
  • Integrate Firebase iOS.
  • Integrate Firebase Android.
  • Firebase Authentication & Cloud FireStore.
  • Creating Firebase Service Class.
  • User-Login Using Firebase.
  • User Registration User Firebase.
  • Uploading Posts to Firebase.
  • Streams & Stream builder.
  • Disposed User profile Image.
  • Grid view in Flutter.
  • Implement Firebase Logout.
By Olivia Bradley

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