Crystal healing

Crystals are said to be a natural source of healing energy from Mother Nature that can treat mental, physical, and emotional ailments. Every day, more and more people are talking about the power of crystals; but it can be a little overwhelming when you first start exploring the world of stones.

It’s possible that you won’t know where to begin when you’re confronted with the world of healing crystals! In order to help you learn more about gemstones and the amazing benefits they provide, we have created this guide. It will explain the advantages of crystal healing and the best crystals to use.

How is crystal healing carried out?

We are aware that energy is present in all things on Earth, and crystal energy is a natural remedy for many human ailments. Crystals emit energy and vibrations that penetrate our beings and send healing energy to our wounded areas, whether physical or emotional, despite the fact that you should always consult your physician regarding physical illnesses or diseases.

Crystals help us reconnect with the natural world and offer a natural alternative to many man-made treatments that have so many negative side effects.

Which crystals ought to I begin with?

You have come to the right place if you are interested in crystal healing but are unsure where to begin. Even though every crystal under the Sun has its own special energy and healing properties, some crystals stand out for their intensely restorative and naturally curative energy.

The following crystals are the best place to start if you haven’t started collecting crystals yet.


One of the most well-known healing crystals is amethyst. Amethyst has a connection to the Crown chakra and is well-known for its capacity to significantly increase willpower and self-control. The Greek word for “not drunk,” amethystos, refers to this stone’s ability to help you avoid overindulging in unhealthy foods and beverages. Additionally, this stone improves intuition, dispels negative energy, and reduces stress.


Citrine is a great stone to start with because it is one of the few crystals that doesn’t need to be cleaned because of how powerful its cleansing properties are. Due to its ability to bring prosperity, fortune, and luck, this stone is also known as the Merchant’s Stone. Citrine connects to the Solar Plexus chakra, bringing healing energy to that area and boosting confidence and self-assurance. Because it helps you remember that you are a naturally abundant creature who receives everything you require from the universe, this stone encourages you to be more generous with those around you.

Pure Quartz:

Clear quartz is regarded as the stone’s master healer. Clear quartz has even been cited as the most potent crystals healing known to man.Because it energises and bolsters the mind and body, it is also known as the Stone of Power. This crystal is great for working with other crystals because it amplifies any kind of intention or energy. Clear quartz helps you connect with your higher self, protects you from negative energy, and reduces physical pain.


For aural work, fluorite is a powerful crystal. The aura is cleansed by this stone’s stabilizing and optimistic energy, which also removes negative energy. Fluorite improves self-esteem and reduces stress. Positive energy and internal harmony are bolstered by this stone. Fluorite helps you focus on the task at hand and improves mental concentration.


Due to its spiritual powers of transformation, labradorite is referred to as the Stone of Magic. This stone lets us see the parts of our life that need to change, like relationships. Labradorite helps you connect with your higher, more spiritual self and lets you hear your own wisdom. Because it cuts through illusions and leads you to the truth of a situation, this crystal is one of the best tools for working with when you need clarity. Additionally, labradorite aids in anxiety reduction and creative energy enhancement.


Hematite is a great source of grounding energy. This stone is well-known for its capacity to calm those who work with it and absorb negative energy. This stone connects to the Root chakra, bringing you peace and security as well as restorative energy. Hematite helps you feel and be in balance, reduces stress, and connects you to higher spiritual energies.

Techniques for Using Crystals:

Let’s look at some of the ways you can work with the best crystals now that we know which ones are best. Intuitive crystal healing is possible, and many of these crystals will tell you how to make the most of their healing energy. However, there are a few well-known ways to get the most out of your healing crystals.


Crystal healing isn’t the only thing that can benefit from meditation. You won’t believe how simple it is to incorporate the healing power of crystals into your existing meditation routine.

Simply place the crystal you want to work with in the palm of your hand and select it.Place a positive-energy-infused crystal in your left hand, which is your receiving side, when working with it.

Drinks with Crystals:

Making an elixir is one of the easiest and most effective ways to heal with crystals. Put the crystal that you want to work with in a glass and select it.Wait at least 30 minutes before filling the glass with water for drinking. Take a sip of the healing energy after removing the crystal. Allowing the crystal’s energy to penetrate your cells is especially helpful for physical ailments, but this method is effective for mental and emotional healing.

Embrace Yourself:

It may come as a surprise to you to learn that the only thing you need to do in order to benefit from the healing power of crystals is to be in their presence. You can boost your confidence and cash flow by placing a citrine stone on your work desk. Alternately, you can keep a piece of clear quartz in your left pocket for daytime healing energy.

Put your trust in crystal healing:

One of the only requirements for crystal healing is that each stone’s effectiveness is influenced by your own faith and energy. You open your heart, mind, and body to the energy that is coming your way when you believe in the power of crystals healing. Keep the faith, start with a few crystals, use any crystal healing technique that makes you feel at ease, and start small.

By Olivia Bradley

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