Dua Before Sleeping

Dua Before Sleeping

The most popular dua before sleeping is Bismillaahir-Rahmaan-Raheem. The verses are collected in the collection Al-Baqarah 2:185-6, which has been cited by Al-Bukhari and Al-Asqalani. The Muslim version includes the recitation of Rabbas-samaawaati-wal-ardhi wa maa baynahumal-‘Azeezul-Ghaffaaru.


Many believers make dua before sleeping. The dua is a prayer to Allah that assures them of protection from evil eyes and sins. The dua also praises Allah for his blessings and asks for forgiveness. There are several versions of the dua, but all ask for Allah’s forgiveness and guidance to the right path. This dua can be said as a recitation before bedtime or just before falling asleep.

The Quran contains many verses on the importance of dua before sleeping. One of the most important verses in this dua is Surat al-Mulk. When saying the dua, make sure you are in the Twahaarah state. Recite seven times the Surahs Ash-Shams, ‘Ilaahin-naas, and Allaahumj’alnee Min Amr’a Farjahan.

Subhan Allaah

There are many sound du’as that can be said before sleeping. Most of them were narrated by the Prophet, as recorded in his Sunnah. Some of them are mentioned below. I have provided the most comprehensive answer below. I hope this information is helpful. If not, I will continue to add to this list. As you can see, there are many ways to start the night right, so make sure to begin with Subhan Allaah.

The Prophet (PBUH) said Allahumma before going to sleep. It is also a good habit to develop as a Muslim. By saying Subhan Allaah before going to bed, you will be more likely to follow his example. The Messenger used to say Allahumma before going to bed, and he did this to make sure that he was in the right state for sleep.

Allaahu Akbar

When you go to sleep, pray Allahu Akbar. This dua is an Arabic phrase and is recited by billions of Muslims every day. However, because of negative media portrayals of Islam, it has acquired a pejorative connotation in US public discourse. This article is written by Max Dwight, a senior at the University of Colorado Boulder, who is majoring in Japanese and minoring in business. He enjoys spending time with his family and running pkislam.

You can also recite the adhkaar before sleeping. It is said to provide sound sleep and nourishment. It is also reported by the Muslim scholar Ali ibn Abi Taalib to be helpful in getting rid of disturbing dreams. You should also recite Surah-e-Hashr before sleeping to ensure the protection of your body against bad dreams. If you are unable to recite the adhkaar, you may recite a few Quranic verses in your dreams.

Rabbas-samaawaati wal’ardhi wa maa baynahumal-‘Azeezul-Ghaffaaru

As we travel, we tend to be detached. However, the prophet knew that engrossing ourselves in this world is not desirable. Instead, we should remember that we are on a temporary journey and that we need to be alert and focused on the goal. Ultimately, we should seek refuge in Allah.

By Olivia Bradley

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