Everything You Need To Know About 3D Lenticular Printing

Whatever business or industry you’re in, you’ll need a plan for every part of your business or industry to stay ahead of the competition and project an appealing and influential image to your target audience. It’s also no secret that your packaging technologies and approaches must be visually appealing. Additionally, printed materials and print adverts for marketing reasons must catch the buyer’s attention. On the other hand, what if everyone is coming up with something unique in this regard? What are some things you can do to take your game to the next level? Experiment with lenticular printing. However, before you start looking for lenticular printing manufacturers, you should learn everything there is to know about it to figure out how to make the most of it for your company’s benefit.

How Does Lenticular Printing Actually Work?

This is a technique that involves printing images with lenticular lenses to create the appearance of depth. This results in a completed image that can move or alter depending on the angle from which it is seen. It’s a type of three-dimensional imaging.

Lenticular Printing Technology Has Changed Over Time

While this type of technology has been around for a while, its popularity has skyrocketed in the last few years. Previously, only 2-3 photos could be used for printing, but now up to 20 images can be utilised to keep the print together for video simulation. What’s more, it doesn’t require any specific equipment, and the printing method may be adapted to a variety of applications.

What is the Process?

This works by combining two key elements: the lens and flat images printed on paper.

Vertically, the lens is run at 40 to 150 lines per inch. The photographs should be prepared in a specific way, depending on the type of visual output you want. The many photos are cut and interlaced in a pattern that creates motion and depth.

The image slice width is determined by the device’s resolution capability as well as the type of lenticular lens utilised.

What Are The Many Kinds Of Effects?

There are two sorts of effects in effect:

  • 3D – To generate the illusion of depth, visual elements are positioned on multiple spatial planes.
  • Animation is a type of computer-generated animation in which optical frames are shown in a motion picture-like manner.

There are Three More Types of Animation Effects:

  • Zoom – This is a visual effect in which images pop out or move ahead. It’s excellent for usage as a logo.
  • Flip – As the name implies, it means that the image visual is flipped on and off, resulting in the complete transformation of one image into another. Ideal for projects where you want to show a ‘before and after’ or ’cause and effect’ feature.
  • Morph – This is the process of transforming one image into another. This is excellent for demonstrating the transition from ‘prior’ to ‘new.’
  • Combination — While the effects can be used separately, they can also be employed together, with frequent combinations being Motion/3D, Flip/3D, and Motion/Zoom.

Branding Advantages of Lenticular Printing

Because this technology has its own characteristics and produces distinctive and potent visuals, it offers a number of benefits to companies. So, if you’re curious about the benefits that this printing technology can provide for your company or brand, keep reading to learn more:

Illustrations of the Results

Unlike traditional printing, which produces a flat picture, 3D custom lenticular printing produces a viewed effect that is sure to catch the attention of passers-by. This indicates that people are more interested in your goods, and they end up staring at them for more extended periods of time, indicating that they are more interested in your product and brand.

An Intriguing, One-of-a-Kind Ad Form

It is safe to suppose that you will have anything intriguing in its shape as a result of this printing technology’s output. A good advertising strategy and a creative team can help you design print models that will set your business apart from the competition.

It is Not Very Expensive

Given the nature and effect of lenticular printing, it’s understandable that you’d be concerned about the expense. However, you shouldn’t be too concerned about this because bulk printing products won’t be much more expensive. And, given the results you’ll get from this one-of-a-kind printing procedure, the return on investment is usually rather significant.

When looking for lenticular printing companies, make sure you utilise vivid and bold imagery, think about colour and picture placement, include parts that are comparable in shape, and visualise the end effect. Avoid highly complex animations, minimal print type, italic, serif, and other typefaces that don’t produce a good print finish.

By Olivia Bradley

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