Five Best Online Course Platforms


Are you planning to enroll yourself in some courses this summer? It is absolutely a wise decision. It makes me so happy to see that in times when students ask someone else to take my online class for me, we still have students who want to learn and grow their skills. Top Essay Writing believe you are one of them and please know that I am proud of you. In this article, we have eight exceptional platforms that offer online courses and help students acquire more expertise. Remember, the more skill you’ll gain, the better job prospect you will have. So, don’t miss the chance and enroll yourself in your favorite courses today. 


Coursera is the number one platform to sign up yourself for online courses. The courses this platform offers are not conducted by random teachers but by real professors from worldwide renowned institutions. The website is also user-friendly and easy to navigate. You can take classes in whatever language you like as classes here are available in numerous languages. Coursera also offers 1500 free certification courses. However, there are charges for certificates. You can also earn degrees through these platforms and say hello to upcoming promotions. The platform is recognized and the courses from Coursera hold good value in front of employers.


Udemy has an excellent number of courses available online. There are over 185,000 courses for personal and professional development. No matter what discipline you plan to take courses in, you will always find industry experts for that as currently there are 60,000+ instructors available to take courses in every niche. Also, one thing that makes Udemy stand out from other platforms is its cash-back guarantee. Every time you register yourself at Udemy, they will offer you a 30 days refund. So, in case you want to withdraw from your course later within these 30 days, you can claim 100 percent money back.


At present, Udacity is dealing with nanodegrees. Nanodegrees is a term used for courses that on average take almost four months to complete. The platform offers intensive programs that consist of multiple lessons and brush up your skills like never. You can also receive tailored feedback for all your courses and projects. When you register at Udacity, you get access to expert tutors who work with you and help you build your resume and portfolio. The courses here are a bit more expensive than the rest but also offer multiple scholarship options. It has courses that are in demand today and have notable worth in the future. From coding bootcamps to web development and data science courses, you can learn whatever you want.


A platform with more than 7,500 courses also offers certification in the field you plan to gain expertise. Courses at Pluralsight are suitable for professionals who plan to expand their skill set and gain data knowledge. You can enroll in mini-degree programs here. Also, it gives you an option for both individual and team enrollment. The courses at Pluralsight are divided into three levels. You can choose any one depending upon your experience. However, there is no refund policy at Pluralsight but still, the prices for intensive courses are pretty pocket-friendly.


Skillshare offers free as well as paid courses. You can buy their premium membership for $168 per year and $32 per month. The premium membership offers access to more than 27,500 classes. However, the free membership allows you to take almost 2,100 free classes. It is again one of the popular platforms for online courses and helps people in Arts and business fields to polish their skills. Classes or courses at Skillshare are divided into three categories with many subcategories.

  1. Thrive: It includes lifestyle and productivity courses.
  2. Build: It includes business. Freelance and entrepreneurship, business analytics, marketing and leadership and management courses.
  3. Create: It Includes photography, graphic design, music, automation, creative writing, filmmaking, videography, web development, etc. courses.

A few more you can consider signing up at

We planned to tell you about the five best online course platforms but we couldn’t resist adding these three as well.

LinkedIn Learning

I hope you are aware of then Lynda now LinkedIn learning platform. Lynda was acquired by LinkedIn a few years back. Now all Lynda’s content is transferred into LinkedIn’s platform. The company has courses for a number of disciplines and for all levels. You can start from intermediate and gradually travel to advance without any hassle.


edX is a joint venture of Harvard and MIT. Here you can get hands on almost 2500 online courses that are carried out by higher education institutions. The platform is popular for covering data science and humanities courses and is well known for its cybersecurity course.

Khan Academy 

Khan Academy offers free online courses as the organization has a belief that education is a human right and therefore, they must have the best access to it. The platform doesn’t only have features for students but also allows parents to track students’ progress through their resources. Their robust networking tool makes it easy for students, teachers, and parents to communicate across the globe.

Wrapping Up

There are still many platforms available online where you can place your order for the online course. However, these are the ones that our online course takers recommend. One more thing they suggest to students is to not ask anyone to take my online class for me. According to UK Essay Writing Service, these courses are extremely easy. Just needs a good deal of attention from students and that’s it. They believe if students work hard for these courses, no one can stop them from acquiring the best skills and we couldn’t agree more. If you also have an idea about any such online course platforms that you think are underrated, let us know in the comment section. We will try our best to include them in our next article. Till then good luck reading and improving!

By Olivia Bradley

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