How to Achieve High English Exam Scores


English Exam Scores

You already know that you write naturally, and quite well. But does it imply that you can write excellent English essays that are captivating? No, not always. You must strike a balance between inventiveness and rigour if you want to perform well on English tests. Your essay will rapidly devolve into a jumble if it has too much inspiration but not enough organization. On the other side, your work will undoubtedly be rejected the first time if it is rife with mistakes and poor language.

Prepare Your Essay

You may start organising your ideas once you’ve decided on a theme. Choosing the beginning and finish points of your essay is necessary. Beginning at the beginning of your essay, go toward the conclusion. The body of your essay can be written once you’ve decided on the introduction and conclusion. Make sure your ideas are well-structured and organically flowing. Including an outline in your essay is another smart move. This will greatly improve the organisation of your article.

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Create an easy-to-read paper

Most likely, your essay will be read from beginning to end by your audience. Your audience will be able to see where your eyes are travelling while you read, even if they aren’t actively looking for it. This is a fantastic chance to draw attention to crucial information or add further context. But make sure they won’t have to exert themselves to read your writing. Squinting, lowering one’s gaze, and elevating the page while reading are a few typical reading errors. Squinting might make your article appear gloomy, and it can also slow down your reading pace. To keep your eyes healthy and your mind sharp, eat a balanced diet that includes reading and sunshine. The rest of your article shouldn’t make it difficult for the reader to read. Use a gentle touch while reading aloud, maintain eye contact when reading, and glance away from the page after you’re through reading to improve the clarity of your reading.

Eliminate long words

Long words just occupy extra space in your text; they don’t add more words to the sentence. Long texts also need more mental processing time since they occupy more brain space, which increases the amount of time needed to “exchange” information. Long words are also terms you’re less likely to utilise in a sentence or essay. When feasible, try to avoid using lengthy terms and instead, always choose shorter ones. Your audience will find it simpler to grasp and more likely to remember you if you use short, simple sentences.

Spoken in Simple Terms

Another suggestion we might make is to utilise simple language in place of big terms. Even if you are not fluent in another language, you should be able to comprehend basic words like “hello,” “thank you,” and “so-and-so.” There are several internet tools available to assist those who have language difficulties. It’s crucial to know the fundamentals of English, even if you shouldn’t depend on “spoken language” to get by in life.

Stay away from lazy writing

To create an excellent essay, you don’t need to be very innovative. The “rule of three” might be all you need to follow in some situations. Accordingly, you should draught an essay (or other piece of creative writing) three times before editing and revising it. Avoid writing when your mind is crowded is another piece of advice we can give. It will be more tougher to order your thoughts and write properly if your mind is always racing. Writing with a cluttered mind is the ideal opportunity to think about your issue and come up with a solution if you have some spare time and aren’t in a genuine hurry.

Final Reflections

You must be imaginative and provide several examples to back up your views in order to perform well in English tests. Don’t go any farther, though. Although it may be very beneficial, creativity shouldn’t be employed at the expense of accuracy. Don’t rely on arbitrary facts or ideas to fill up the gaps; instead, provide five or six instances from literature or real-world experiences that illustrate your views. In other words, don’t be scared to be unique, but be equally terrified of being wrong. These common sense recommendations might boost your English exam performance. Thankfully, common sense isn’t all that rare in the academic realm. You therefore need not be concerned about performing well on English tests.

By Olivia Bradley

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