I Tried Waist Training for 2 Weeks & Here’s What Happened

I Tried Waist Training for 2 Weeks & Here’s What Happened

While the general consensus seems to be that waist training is effective, there are plenty of doubters out there who feel that you can’t really shrink your waist using this method, and even if you can, it won’t last. The results will wear off before long, and you’ll have spent all that money on something that did nothing in the end. I wanted to find out what the reality was with waist training, so I decided to wear my waist trainer consistently for two weeks to see what would happen. Here’s what happened!

Why I chose to try waist training

I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of waist training. I love the hourglass shape it creates, and I love how confident women look when they’re wearing one. Plus, I’m always down for trying something new in the name of beauty. So when I came across an ad for a waist trainer on Instagram, I decided to give it a try.

My plan

I decided to try waist training for two weeks to see if it would help me achieve a smaller waist. I started by wearing my waist trainer for four hours a day, gradually increasing the amount of time I wore it each day. After two weeks, I noticed that my waist was definitely smaller. I also felt more confident and empowered. However, I also experienced some discomfort and bloating. Overall, I’m glad I tried waist training and would recommend it to anyone looking to slim down their waistline.

 I was surprised by how quickly I got used to wearing my waist trainer. On days that I wore it, I had no problem fitting into my jeans and even felt more confident in them. It wasn’t until later in the day that things got uncomfortable. Because it’s elastic, it would begin to dig into my skin and give me a little bit of a wedgie at times. After about four hours of wear time, I’d take off my waist trainer and go to sleep; by morning, though, I’d feel bloated.

The first week

I decided to try waist training after seeing a friend of mine post about her results on social media. I was a little hesitant at first, but after doing some research, I decided to give it a shot.

 During my first week of waist training, I wore my corset throughout the day and removed it when sleeping. On days where I wanted to wear it for a longer period of time, I applied body lotion or a face mask to my upper body (so as not to get tan lines from sitting) and used self-tanner around my midsection to avoid any ugly tan lines. Within just a few days, I noticed that wearing my corset made me feel more confident about how I looked in clothes. My clothes fit better and looked more form-fitting than they did before I started waist training. This gave me more motivation to stick with it!

The second week

I decided to commit to waist training for two weeks to see if I would notice any changes. I followed the instructions that came with my waist trainer and wore it for at least 10 hours a day. By the end of the second week, I definitely felt like my waist was smaller. My clothes fit better and I felt more confident. I also noticed that I was sweating more when I wore the trainer, which was a nice bonus!

Results after two weeks

After two weeks of wearing a waist trainer, I definitely saw a difference in my waistline. My clothes fit better and I felt more confident. However, the trainer was also very uncomfortable at times and I had to make sure to take breaks from wearing it. Overall, I’m glad I tried waist training and would recommend it to anyone looking to cinch their waist!

 While I was wearing my waist trainer, my daily routine included wearing it during several hours of every day while I exercised, went to work and throughout most of each night. Initially, I started with an hour and a half before going to bed at night and wore it up until about 9:30pm or 10pm. Within a week or so of using it regularly, I began sleeping in my trainer and would wear it almost all day long! Not only did it feel more comfortable after a couple weeks but having one less thing to think about in terms of what clothing to wear was really nice too.

By Olivia Bradley

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