IELTS Training Centre in Dubai At Nlptech

IELTS Training Centre in Dubai

Information to help you get the best results in your IELTS exam

 Many students ask us. How can I get the best IELTS score?

The most important thing is to practice hard and make sure your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills are up to the IELTS Training Centre in Dubai.

First, we recommend that you visit the official IELTS website ( to get an idea of what the test is all about. In the meantime, we will provide some very simple information for you.

Knowing how IELTS is tested is half the battle. If you’ve taken the test more than once, think about how easy it was the second time, because you know what to expect, as I failed the test four times.

What is IELTS like?

First of all, you need to make sure that IELTS is really the test you need to take.

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System and is an English language testing system that assesses the language skills of people who want to study in English-speaking countries. Many companies, universities and immigration authorities require a certain IELTS score for your application to be accepted.

IELTS scores are valid for two years

You then need to decide which version of IELTS is most suitable for you: the IELTS Academic version is suitable for those who want to study at university or postgraduate level, while the IELTS General Practice version is suitable for those who want to move abroad or work abroad. The IELTS General Practice version is suitable for those wishing to move or work abroad.

Both versions have four subtests or modules: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking, with the IELTS Listening and IELTS Speaking subtests being the same in the Academic and General Training versions. The IELTS Reading and IELTS Writing subtests are separate. Accredited and well-trained examiners assess your writing and speaking skills and mark these subtests.

How can I apply to take the IELTS test?

We recommend that you download the IELTS Handbook and Information for IELTS Candidates from the official IELTS website. These two booklets contain information on how to apply for the test, and here is an overview and my comments on them.

1. Register for the test at your local IELTS test center

You can find the address, contact details and test dates of your nearest test center on the official IELTS website.

2. go to the IELTS test center and get a registration form. If you can’t go there, you can download an application form from the official IELTS website. You can also ask the test center to send it to you by post.

3. Decide when you want to take the exam and complete the application form. Make sure you have written the module correctly; academic or general training, whichever you need.

4. If possible, ask an English-speaking friend to check the application form for you.

5. Send the completed form along with two passport photos and the exam fee to the test center you wish to attend.

6. Make sure you present the same ID you provided on the application form on the day of the test. If the two forms of identification are different, you will not be admitted to the test. If for any reason this is not possible, contact the test center immediately.

7. Once your application has been processed, the test center will send you a confirmation letter which will include the date and time of the test and instructions for that day.

What do I need to do on the day of the test?

First, make sure you have had a good night’s sleep and breakfast the night before (yes, I am a mother too!). If there is a public speaking test on the same day, remember that you will also need to eat lunch.

Don’t forget to bring your ID as it will be checked on arrival.

Please note that no personal items, including mobile phones, are allowed in the exam room. There will be a special place outside the room where you can leave them.

As with all exams, once the Inquisitor (Chief Examiner) announces the start of the exam, no discussion is allowed. If you have a question, raise your hand.

The listening test comes first, then the reading test, and finally the writing test (I will discuss each subtest in more detail in the following notes). The test center will tell you the date and time of the speaking test.

What’s next?

Once the test is over, just wait for the results. IELTS results are published on the 13th day after the test, so you should receive them 2 weeks after the test. You can collect your results from the test center on the 13th day after the test, but you must ask for them. However, the test center cannot give you your results by phone, fax or email.

You will not receive a certificate when you take the IELTS test, but you will receive a Test Report Form (TRF) with your results. Take care of the Test Report Form (TRF), you will only receive one copy. Remember, however, that you can ask for additional copies (up to a maximum of five) to be sent to the organization requesting your results (university, immigration office, etc.).

Hopefully now is the time to celebrate! If not, don’t despair; check out my article “What to do if your IELTS score is not high enough”. You may be able to save the situation. In any case, now is the time to go “above and beyond”.

By Olivia Bradley

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