Learn how to open a can without a can opener

how to open a can without a can opener

Probably everyone has experienced it at least once, if not more. Dinner is prepared whether you’re camping, cooking at home, or using someone else’s kitchen. You’ve purchased the ingredients you need for your meal, including some canned products and when you are about to open the cans you see your can opener is missing or broken. 

If this happens with you then you would most likely start panicking. However, there are many methods for opening cans without a can opener. Even if they might not always be simple, they do not make it impossible to open a can. In this article we will learn  how to open a can without a can opener.


One of the simplest tools to open a can of food is a knife. However, you should be aware that there are appropriate and inappropriate methods to use your favorite knife before you do. But for now, let’s see how to open a can without a can opener using a knife.

So the first method you can try is Hold the knife absolutely vertically, pressing the point of the blade against the can’s lid.

In order to make a tiny hole in the metal, apply pressure. You can hammer it in if necessary by using the back of the hand holding the knife as a mallet.

Repeat the procedure until the lid has a limited number of holes that weaken it and make it possible to peel it back. If you’re concerned about eating metal shavings while wondering about  how to open a can without a can opener, then this approach is perfect for you.

Sharp surface

This technique can be a little tough and messy at the same time. However, if you have no other option then you can use this one. 

Just be even more cautious than you would be if you were using a knife. Locate a flat, rough surface, such as the broad side of a rock or a slab of concrete.

Put the can in place so that its lid is up against the ground. This might include flipping it entirely on its side. The can’s lid should be rubbed on the surface. Be fast and energetic. Put some effort into this method of  how to open a can without a can opener.

Ten to twenty seconds later, check the lid. If it leaks, you can proceed. Even though it seems difficult, you are making progress. You aren’t rubbing vigorously enough if it still has the same appearance as before. Squeeze the can’s surface until the lid pops off when you notice or feel the lid starting to crack.

Use spoon

When you have a can of food and a metal spoon in your hand, set the can up right-side up on a hard, flat surface, such as a table, bench, or even the ground.

With the bowl of the spoon pointing away from the can, place the tip of it against the lid’s edge. Quickly sweep your hand across a tiny area towards the crimped edge.

The top of the lid will ultimately get weak and crack due to the friction from the spoon. Once you have pierced the can’s seal, repeat the procedure all the way around the lid. Rotate the can just enough to rub the area close to where you just broke through.

Continue to break the seal, expanding the hole you make in the can’s edge each time and then you can get your favorite can food from the can as now you know the second way of how to open a can without a can opener.


You can do the task with a pair of clean scissors or kitchen shears. You use one of the scissors’ blade tips to pierce a hole in the lid’s outside edge, then continue to cut around the rim until the lid can be carefully removed via a large opening. This is one of the best and easiest ways that you can learn from this post of how to open a can without a can opener.

Use an axe

You can open cans of food if you have a survival axe on hand. Hold the can initially on its side and place it on a flat, level surface. 

In this method of  how to open a can without a can opener, your have to carefully cut into the can just under the lid while holding the axe by its pointed end just under the base of the blade. Then Continue to “rake” through the can with a deliberate, steady motion. Stopping around 75% of the way around the can’s perimeter will allow you to use an axe to pry the lid upward.

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Use your hands

The messiest and possibly roughest way to open a can is this method of how to open a can without a can opener. It should be noted that this works best with larger cans that have ribs or grooves all the way around them. Find the grooves on the can and remove any labels from it. 

Put one hand on each end of the can to hold it while you insert your fingers into the grooves at the centre of the side that is facing up. Lay the can on the ground and use your hand’s “heel” to push against the grooves if your hands are too small or weak to accomplish it yourself.

After creating a dent on one side, turn the can 180 degrees, then press your fingers once more into the grooves. Expand the dents on the can’s sides even further. Hold the can horizontally while placing the heels of either hand on the top and bottom flat lids, respectively. 

Your hands’ “heels” should be at the tops of the now-flatter sections, nearer the outer rims, and further from the center of the can. Push the two ends together by squeezing them together. Do the same on the opposite side. Keep reading to know more about how to open a can without a can opener.

Holding each end of the can firmly, start to carefully pull the can apart once the body of the can cannot be dented any further. The can can be “opened” from the middle by bending it in your direction. 

Spoon the ingredients into a different container with care, and then sift them to remove any metal shavings that may have gotten into the food.

By Olivia Bradley

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