What is the survival rate of Pancreatic Cancer?


Introduction – Pancreatic Cancer

This type of cancer takes place in the tissue of the pancreas in the body, which is also known as an important endocrine organ situated at the back of the stomach. The enzymes, glucagon, and insulin are produced by the pancreas. The enzymes are very crucial for the process of digestion as our body demand digestion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates as well. whereas the other two hormones are used to take care of glucose (which is also called sugar but most people) metabolism. The role of glucagon is to boost levels of glucose when they are in a low position whereas insulins take care of cells and helps them to metabolize the sugar. However, as per Kanury Rao is difficult to detect cancer of the pancreas but can be diagnosed as per the stages of cancer.

Two types of pancreatic cancer are there. The one is known as pancreatic adenocarcinoma which is the most frequent kind of cancer and takes a start in the cells of the exocrine and then brings about the problem of indigestion. The other one is called pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors which do not count in the most frequent types of cancer and take a start in the cells of the endocrine which leads to the discharge of hormones and affects the whole metabolism and other parts of the body.

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pancreatic cancer

Indication or symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Until and unless it reaches further stages, does not show any symptoms of pancreatic cancer as there are no early signs of pancreatic cancer.

The following symptoms can occur at advanced stage:

  • Unnatural loss of cravings
  • Unnatural loss of weight
  • Pain in the abdominal part of the body that may diverge to the back of your body
  • Lumbago means bad backache in the lower part of the body.
  • Blood clots appear on your body
  • Suffering from jaundice
  • Going through depression
  • Difficulty in urination and it colors like brown and dark
  • Itchy and painful skin
  • Feels like vomiting very often.

If you are going through any of the following symptoms or even a little bit of all those then consulting a doctor is a must. Consult your family doctor in case of need.

Effects of pancreatic cancer

As we all know that there is no cause of pancreatic cancer but we also know that it occurs when unnatural cells start to develop inside the pancreas and formed a tumor. As the effects of this kind of cancer are not known, there are a few factors that might enhance your risk of generating it:

  • Use of tobacco: In the case of pancreatic cancer, tobacco is the main factor of increasing risk in developing it. About 25 to 35 percent of people suffer from pancreatic cancer. So, it is highly suggested not to consume tobacco.
  • Consumption of alcohol: Avoid consuming more than three consumptions of alcoholic drinks as this may lead to serious issues and increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. Consumption of alcohol is also the major problem and risk factor of this type of cancer.
  • Genetic and chronic pancreatitis: Due to this type of cancer infection can also be caused. Pancreatic cancer can be caused by chronic and hereditary issues. Heavy drinking of alcohol for a long duration of time can result in chronic pancreatitis.
  • Weight: Weight plays an important role in causing pancreatic cancer. If you are gaining too much weight or obesity, especially in your adulthood then you must consult a doctor, as this may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.
  • Company’s exposure: If you are working with a few chemicals, especially with those chemicals that are used in working of metals or pesticides as well then can increase the risk factor of pancreatic cancer.
pancreatic cancer

Stages of pancreatic cancer

During the detection of the stage of pancreatic cancer, the doctors may prescribe tests to see if cancer has spread or not and if then how much.

  • 0 stage of pancreatic cancer: At the 0 stages of pancreatic cancer the unnatural cells in the body can be detected and if not treated at the earliest then can become more injurious to health and can cause cancer as well.
  • Stage 1 of pancreatic cancer: A tumor can be formed inside the pancreas at the 1st stage of this kind of cancer. There are two subcategories of this stage. The one is stage 1A where the measure of tumor is at least 2 cm while the other one is known as stage 1B where the size of the tumor is at least 4 cm.
  • Stage 2 of pancreatic cancer: In this stage, cancer has spread to blood vessels as well as lymph nodes in the body. There are two subcategories of this stage. The one is stage 2A where the size of the tumor is more than 4 cm and the other one is stage 2B where cancer has increased to lymph nodes. The symptoms of stage 2 are jaundice, fatigue, weight loss, and many others. Through radiation, surgery, chemotherapy this stage cancer can be cured.
  • Stage 3 of pancreatic cancer: In this stage of cancer, the tumor expands in the pancreas as well as blood vessels and lymph nodes as well. The symptoms of stage 3 cancer are back pain top abdomen pain, appetite loss, unnatural weight loss, fatigue, and depressed as well. Stage 3 of pancreatic cancer can be cured through surgery by eliminating a portion of the pancreas, anticancer drugs, and radiation therapy.
  • Stage 4 of pancreatic cancer: In this stage, the tumor has spread to other parts of the body as well like the brain, bones, or other organs. This stage is very risky for human beings. The symptom you can find at this stage of cancer is top abdomen pain, back pain, fatigue, depression, unnatural weight loss, jaundice, appetite loss.


According to immunologist Kanury Venkata Subba Rao, if you are also the one who is facing any kind of symptoms or indications mentioned above then it’s high time to consult a doctor. Through various treatments, it can be cured.

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