SAP Evaluation For Dot

If any individual is required to refer to a qualified SAP after testing positive in drugs or alcohol test, then he/ she must have the basic understanding of the comprehensive and face-to-face assessment and evaluations that comes with these tests. While relying on a qualified SAP EVALUATION (NEAR ME), the employee should know the procedures on their own, in order to return back to safety-sensitive duties and remain truly fit to get back to his normal lifestyle.

SAP Evaluation is a certified DOT-SAP provider administering the criteria fixed by the Department of Transportation (DOT) for people who got caught or tested positive in the consumption of any prohibited substance. Our trained and experienced specialists understand the importance of these tests and the impact they carry on clients’ livelihood. That is why, we are committed to educate you, train you and provide you with the solutions you need for effective functioning.

Explaining the Process

SAP Evaluation near me is fast and straightforward. Individuals are made to follow very strict guidelines to return back to duty in a healthy condition. Our dedicated SAP counselors will walk you through all the stages of assessment, referral, treatment and the testing process to make every task much smoother for you.

The SAP Evaluation near me includes the following:

  • Two face-to-face evaluations
  • Determining the level through some type of treatment or education 
  • SAP monitoring of employee in treatment
  • Face-to-face follow-up clinical evaluation 
  • Follow-up testing schedule
  • Aftercare recommendations depending upon the case, by SAP professionals
  • Sharing of written SAP reports with the employer for reporting the condition

If you find your source of income to be in danger after testing positive in the evaluation, consulting a qualified SAP for the SAP Evaluation near me as soon as possible may be the ideal decision you can make. Return back to your safety-sensitive job under the expertise of the right industry professionals.

SAP Evaluation is a leading facilitator guaranteeing to connect you with your employers again after guiding you towards the right path.

We are qualified experts dedicated to safeguarding the general public’s safety. Sap Evaluation for Dot is dedicated to keeping our roads safe by investigating drivers who have violated DOT laws. We offer appropriate education and treatment, as well as testing and follow-up. Our workers are committed to providing exceptional service to our customers. The DOT has legalized conducting pre-employment, post-accident, random, or reasonable suspicion and return-to-duty drug and alcohol tests on any employee who holds a commercial driver’s license (CDLs). Our counselors are highly prepared to provide the Sap Evaluation near Me needed to assist you through the RTD (Return to Duty) procedure as specified by DOT against the violation of its drug and alcohol rules.

If the employer is impressed with the reports he may direct the conduct of a Return to Duty test, the results of which should be negative in order to resume you; nevertheless, if they are positive, you must again go through the Sap Evaluation for Dot  Process until you are accepted as fit.

By Olivia Bradley

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