Cyber Security

What is Cyber Security and How It Works?

What is Cyber Security and How It Works?

Cybersecurity works to safeguard firms' IT networks and assets from both external and internal threats. If you're not sure what cybersecurity is or how it works, speaking with an IT professional like those at Next Hop Solutions can help you make an informed choice about which security measures will be most effective for your specific business needs. What is cyber security? Cyber security refers to the collection of methods, technologies, and procedures used to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer systems, networks, and data against cyber-attacks or unauthorised access. The primary goal of cyber security is to secure…
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Top 5 Companies of Defense Cyber Security Industry

Cyber security is considered a major national security threat by governments globally. Many countries, including India, China, the U.S., and others are actively taking critical measures to upgrade, redesign, and fortify their defense cyber security systems through hefty investments. Governments’ extensive IT expenditures to adopt and incorporate advanced technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), are aimed to enhance the security of military services and systems and strengthen the cyber security domain. The defense cyber security market size is anticipated to reach USD 29.81 billion by 2028. COVID-19 Pandemic Resulted in Declined Investments & Delayed…
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