Dua Before Sleeping

Dua Before Sleeping

Dua Before Sleeping

The most popular dua before sleeping is Bismillaahir-Rahmaan-Raheem. The verses are collected in the collection Al-Baqarah 2:185-6, which has been cited by Al-Bukhari and Al-Asqalani. The Muslim version includes the recitation of Rabbas-samaawaati-wal-ardhi wa maa baynahumal-'Azeezul-Ghaffaaru. Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem Many believers make dua before sleeping. The dua is a prayer to Allah that assures them of protection from evil eyes and sins. The dua also praises Allah for his blessings and asks for forgiveness. There are several versions of the dua, but all ask for Allah's forgiveness and guidance to the right path. This dua can be said as a recitation before…
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