Resolutions Cause Injuries

Do New Year’s Resolutions Cause Injuries?

Doctors and physical therapists say they often see patients during the early part of the year with injuries—some of them serious—stemming from New Year’s resolutions. Not only can such injuries lead to expensive medical bills, they may also waste cash shelled out for fitness gear and gym memberships. “People tend to get super excited when they make their resolutions,” said Dr. Derek Ochiai, an orthopaedic surgeon in Arlington, Va. “But going from zero to 60 in a workout regimen can set you up for a lot of problems.” Injuries from exercise and exercise equipment sent 459,978 people to the emergency…
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Do New Year’s Resolutions Cause Injuries?

Doctors and physical therapists say they often see patients during the early part of the year with injuries—some of them serious—stemming from New Year’s resolutions. Not only can such injuries lead to expensive medical bills, they may also waste cash shelled out for fitness gear and gym memberships. “People tend to get super excited when they make their resolutions,” said Dr. Derek Ochiai, an orthopaedic surgeon in Arlington, Va. “But going from zero to 60 in a workout regimen can set you up for a lot of problems.” Injuries from exercise and exercise equipment sent 459,978 people to the emergency…
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