The significance Of Word Count In SEO Content


The best copywriting tactics in search engine optimization (SEO) are constantly altering as one response to Google’s algorithm adjustments. Therefore, you may very well have come across digital marketing professionals such as SEO services in India that advise you on how to increase your position in search rankings by adhering to their word count range guidelines.

Several aspects influence how your content appears in search engine results. Therefore, a lot goes into an SEO plan, whether keywords, photos, alt text, etc.

Why Does Long-Form Content Rank Better?

Despite Google’s declaration that word count has no direct impact on rank, many publications and keyword software recommend greater word counts.

So, why do certain programs propose word counts if the statistics on the page have no direct influence on rank?

There are some reasons why a higher word count could indirectly improve your ranking. Firstly, some of these programs propose word counts based on competitive analysis. Secondly, writing lengthier content makes it very easy for Google’s algorithm to determine the topic of your website. Thirdly, comprehensive, well-written posts establish you as an expert on the subject and allow you to rank for long-tail keyword variations.

How to Calculate the Appropriate Word Count for Your Contents

1) Begin with a Keyword Strategy

You may produce a fresh piece of information with only one target term. On the other hand, longer content is more likely to rank in the top ten for many keywords. By lengthening your content, you may cover your principal issue from many perspectives, allowing you to rank for additional keywords. As per the SEO services in India, longer articles, in particular, are more likely to rank for long-tail versions of your principal keyword, with less competition and greater conversion rates.

2) Examine the Competition

According to the best SEO company in Noida, when evaluating your text to the competitors, you may also utilize word count as a reference statistic. Several keyword research and content strategy programs provide the word count of the highest articles for any particular keyword.  Therefore, a smart place to start to determine the most appropriate length for your article is by checking the word count of the existing best performers.

3) Take Notice Of Search Intent

You should pay constant, close attention to the search intent connected with your targeted term and to what the competitors are doing. The intent will aid in the definition of what makes material helpful and meaningful to the user. 

In other words, consider what your target customers are looking for when they put a keyword into the search field. If customers desire detailed information, you should try to match or surpass your rivals’ word count. For terms where the audience needs rapid responses, you could choose to develop shorter articles that reach the point quickly. In terms of word count, search intent can assist you in determining whether to follow the competition’s lead or distinguish your content by length.

4) Information Quality

The quality of information continues to be a significant determinant of search engine results page (SERP) rankings. To put it another way, adding fluff to enhance your total word count won’t assist you, says the best SEO company in Noida.

Google’s search algorithm promotes accurate information and sites that “show competence, self-assuredness, and credibility on a certain issue,” according to Google. 

To increase the quality of your work, back up comments and claims with links to relevant external data sources. You should also check for plagiarism and eliminate duplicate material on your domain to guarantee that your content is unique.

5) Special Content Blocks Should Be Optimized

Google keeps making its SERP pages more logical and navigable through specific content kinds and highlighted snippets.

Such content resource blocks are displayed at the top of SERP pages and frequently provide consumers with a rapid solution to their inquiries. Therefore, enhancing your content for highlighted snippets may propel it to the top of the search results above all others.

Around 70 percent of all featured snippets are sentence kinds, so this may be a good spot to start exploring. Aim to respond to the keyword question within 50-250 characters.


It’s not as easy as going through a list of keyword occurrences and content quantity to optimize content for SEO; this is where the SEO services in India come into action. First, you must determine the target audience for each keyword and generate content that best meets their demands. Word count will not be the component that propels your article to the pinnacle, but it does assist you in defining what is relevant and valuable for a specific keyword.

By Olivia Bradley

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