The Weight of Videos in Your Clinic’s Digital Strategy

Videos Strategy

Videos in the digital strategy represent one of the extraordinary differentials in

marketing, as they can give great value to the dissemination of content. Today, most of the content traffic on the web is destined for this media format. And the trend is to increase more and more.

It is estimated that 82% of all internet traffic is currently made up of people watching videos. This shows how important this content is and should be present in marketing strategies.

To talk more about this topic, we have prepared an article that explains, in detail, how to enrich your communication plan through video marketing. Read the article and discover the best way to use videos in digital strategy to improve the results of your medical practice.

Videos in digital strategy: 4 reasons to adhere to this idea

Unfortunately, there is still a misconception about the importance of videos as a digital strategy. The mistake occurs when clinic managers believe that producing articles, having a social network with constant publications, and making advertisements are enough to have a good presence on digital channels. That way, they end up leaving the videos aside.

This is a big mistake, as videos can make the clinic stand out among the rest. This is due to people’s consumption preferences and behavior on the internet.

A survey showed that 66% of people would rather watch a video for information than read an article, see an infographic, participate in a webinar or download an e-book.

Videos in digital strategy open new doors for the strategy, complementing the others. In this way, they can strengthen medical marketing planning and bring even more success.

Still not convinced? So, learn four reasons to join video marketing right now when planning your clinic!

1. Users love video

Nowadays, video is the most accepted format by internet users, as mentioned before. In addition to bringing information in a more impactful way, this type of content is very interactive and can be broadcast in real-time, as with famous lives.

Many people are too lazy to read very long texts to inform themselves. That’s why video is so attractive. In addition, it works as a gateway to access other content formats.

2. Videos convey credibility

Another reason to include videos in the digital strategy is to increase your clinic’s credibility. This is because the person can see the doctor who is talking and understand how he communicates, increasing the chances of connecting with the professional.

In addition, this type of content also allows the potential patient to see how the doctor really has knowledge about the area and is an expert in the segment.

All this occurs through the union between the visual and sound elements, which tend to move and impact the patient even more.

3. Enables visitor education

Because they are detailed with images, sounds, and an interesting narrative, videos are a great tool for making a clear and direct proposal. Therefore, the chances of conversion increase considerably, allowing the potential patient to have greater clarity in their decision-making.

Another great advantage of videos is that they manage to educate potential patients to make them so interested that they can easily be converted into opportunities and, consequently, patients.

But remember that this is only valid for well-made and planned content. Use the FlexClip video editor to produce assertive content with the necessary cuts. Also, be careful with lighting and sound to ensure the best possible quality.

Remember that it’s all about practice. Over time, you’ll feel more comfortable in front of the camera and be able to create fantastic content.

4. Video marketing makes ranking easier

The most viewed videos are usually ranked in the top positions of Google and YouTube in a search. But for that, the content must entice users to see it until the end and share it with their friends and family.


Now that you know the importance of videos in your clinic’s digital strategy, includes this type of content in your medical marketing plan.

By Olivia Bradley

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