Things You Wish You Knew About Relationship

Sex is a pure pleasure. But sometimes it can give you negative feelings. When you get sex education, often things are missed in it. And you have to learn them on their own. But we are here to tell you tips that can help ease your life and make sex a more pleasurable full, and guilt-free experience. With these tips, we hope your sex education becomes a complete one.

If you have difficulty having sex, you should consult with a healthcare provider. To get an expert opinion, you can visit the Best Sexologist in Lahore.

What Are The Tips That Can Help With Sex?


Tips that can help with sex are:

Have Sex Only When You Are Ready

There is no particular age to have sex. Therefore you can have it whenever you feel the need to have it. No one else should define that age for you. Having sex at what age should be your personal opinion. If you want to have it in your teenage years, simply have it.

In most cases, girls have sex in their early 20s. But that does not mean that it is the normal age. Sex happens because of how your body feels, your hormonal surge, and your desire. Therefore you should listen to yourself and go with your instincts. However, you should make sure that you do not do that under pressure.

No one should force you to have sex. It should be your decision to have it whenever you feel like it. You need not feel guilty about it and do not even need to make excuses. If you are not ready, that should be enough not to have sex. Your partner should respect your decision and vice versa. If both the parties do not respect each other’s decision, your relationship may suffer, and it is not a healthy one.

Know About Hymen


It is so much talked about bleeding on first intercourse that happens due to the hymen breaking up. You need to know that a girl doesn’t need to bleed on her first sexual intercourse. Her hymen may break due to various reasons. And sometimes, it may remain intact even if being sexually active.

Everyone’s Body Is Different


Every person has a different body. Not all people are the same, and there is no such perfect body in this world. Everyone is perfect in their own way. Therefore you should feel good about yourself and not let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. If someone does that, it is not love, and you might need to reconsider your decision to have sex with them. To have sex, you both need to be encouraging for each other.

The female body you see in movies, and porn videography does not exist in reality. Those shots have been photoshopped, and their bodies have a ton of makeup. Therefore do not expect your partner to have that kind of breasts or hips.

Lubricate Your Vagina


You may think or want to lubricate on your own. And you may be able to get enough secretions on your own by having ample foreplay. But if it does not happen or for some reason, your vagina may not produce enough fluid to get lubricated. If that happens with you, keep a lube with you and lubricate your vagina so that it does not hurt. YES! Not having enough lubricated vagina can make sex painful and less pleasureful for you.

No one would want to have an intercourse that is painful and has very little pleasure. Therefore lubricate yourself enough before sex so that you enjoy it well.

Pee After Sex

Many people do not take it seriously and do not pee after having sex. Cuddling in your loved one’s arm is tempting, but a urinary tract infection is painful. And the pain is even greater than the temptation to be in your loved one’s arms.

The Bottom Line

You might need some time to get adept at sex. Do not force yourself for that. With time, you will learn new things about it and will be able to perform even better. If you face any difficulty with your sex life, visit the healthcare provider. To get an expert opinion, you can visit a sexologist in islamabad.

By Olivia Bradley

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